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Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation > Project Database
Project Database

46 record(s) found.

An Evaluation of Impact Assessment Procedures

This study examined whether the choice of models and modelling methods affects the results of agricultural impact assessments. Using statistical tests, the researchers concluded that the choice of downscaling, land suitability, and crop yield models does not unduly influence the results of impact assessments.

Contact:Michael Brklacich
Carleton University
(613) 520-2600 ext. 7553
  • Carleton University
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Climate Change Impacts on Canadian Prairie Wetlands & Agricultural Adaptation Strategies

Long-term water level, climate, land-use (agricultural and habitat), drainage, streamflow and waterfowl data were compiled for prairie wetlands (sloughs) to assess potential impacts of climate change on storage of runoff waters, groundwater recharge, and possible adaptive responses to preserve these critical habitat refuges.

Contact:Malcolm Conly
Environment Canada
(306) 975-4833
  • Environment Canada
  • University of Calgary
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Ducks Unlimited
  • Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
  • Saskatchewan Wetland Corporation
  • Sask Water
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • United States Geological Survey
  • Natural Resources Canada - Geological Survey of Canada
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Assessment of Climate Change and Impacts on Soil Moisture and Drought on the Prairies

Using temperature and precipitation projections from a range of climate change scenarios, the researchers found that future soil moisture levels would be the same or higher than present day values across the Prairie Provinces. Seeding dates for spring wheat would be advanced, and the growing season would be accelerated. There exists the possibility for increased production in this region.

Contact:Sean M. McGinn
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(403) 317-2225
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Vulnerability thresholds and adaptation options to climate change risks in the agri-food sector

The objectives of this study are to identify key climate-related vulnerabilities for the agri-food systems in Ontario and the Prairies and assess adaptation options for managing the identified climate change risks. Time series analyses will be conducted to examine, among other things, whether the variables have exceeded thresholds of the system (e.g. level of moisture deficit beyond which production is threatened). Data on production, income, and payouts (insurance etc.) will be compared to the climatic time series to test for evidence that the climatic extremes are reflected in the production and economic losses. The adaptation analysis will focus on the prospects for and constraints on existing management practices and progress to deal with climate change risks.

Contact:Barry Smit
University of Guelph
(519) 824-4120
  • Brandon University
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Prediction of expected impacts of climate change on grasshopper abundance and species composition in the Canadian Prairies

Change climate could result in increases of some species of grasshoppers, which are favoured by early spring, warm summer weather, dry conditions, and mild winters. The project will examine the impacts of temperature, moisture and flooding on grasshopper populations. It will also look at the impacts of changes in grasshopper activity on crops and rangeland production systems for the Canadian Prairies. Anticipation of the characteristics of increased grasshopper problems will allow better formulation of a management plan to control damage without unacceptable crop loss or excessive use of chemical insecticides.

Contact:Dan Johnson
University of Lethbridge
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Alberta Agriculture
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Effects of Climate Change on Migratory Birds

Researchers reviewed literature to produce an annotated bibliography of recent scientific papers and reports on the potential impacts of climate change on birds. The bibliography focused on (1) the climatic variables to which birds have been found to respond, and (2) the most common responses that birds have been found to show to those changes. Climatic variables most commonly identified as influencing bird responses include increases in air and sea surface temperature, sea level rise, drying of wetlands, and sea ice variability. Much of the literature correlated recent advances in breeding with warmer air temperatures in the spring.

Contact:Tony Diamond
University of New Brunswick
(506) 453-5006
  • Environment Canada
Project Classification:
  • Ecosystems
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture/Forestry Land Use Patterns: Developing and Applying an Integrated Impact Assessment Model

In this project, researchers developed an integrated assessment model to predict how agriculture and forestry land use could change over time in response to alternative scenarios of climate change, ecosystem change and economic change. The project also involved estimating the impacts of climate change on forest land values and agriculture at the national level. Results suggest that while all regions of Canada would benefit from climate change, the relative gain would be greatest for the Prairies and lowest for coastal regions. In absolute terms Ontario would experience the largest gains. Forest land values are generally expected to change in the same direction as agriculture land values.

Contact:Grant Hauer
University of Alberta
(780) 492-0820
  • Natural Resources Canada — Canadian Forest Service
Project Classification:
  • Crosscutting
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Enhancing Water Supply Infrastructure Investment Planning Practices
for a Changing Climate

The aim of this project is to improve practices in investment in infrastructure to protect water supply systems from changes in hydrology and consumptive patterns resulting from climate change.

Contact:François Bouchart
University of Calgary
(403) 220-4822
  • University of Calgary
  • Dr Caterina Valeo
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

The Implications of Climate Change for Canada´s Boundary and
Transboundary Water Management

This project will analyze the potential impacts of climate change on boundary and transboundary water basins between Canada and the United States and between provinces and territories. It will also examine existing water-related agreements and procedures and assess their ability to adapt to climate change.

Contact:James P. Bruce
Global Change Strategies International
(613) 232-7979
  • Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
  • University of Western Ontario
  • Dr. Gordon McBean
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Water Availability in the South Saskatchewan River Basin under Climate Change

Some of the largest potential changes in surface water quantity expected with climate change are in the Canadian prairies. The South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) supplies water for a significant portion of the Prairie Provinces. Understanding the sensitivity of water supply to future climate is important for understanding vulnerability and developing effective adaptation strategies. Runoff generation within the prairie landscape, in concert with soil moisture and snow changes under a variable climate can also have a tremendous influence on the viability of certain agricultural practices. Given the spatial variability of the landscape types with a large basin such as the SSRB, and the importance of the mountain runoff for irrigation and water supply, an impacts / adaptation modeling framework that relies on an ensemble of hydrological models will be used. The scenarios developed will allow partners in this SSRB project to include scenarios of future water supply in an integrated watershed management framework.

Contact:Alain Pietroniro
Environment Canada
(306) 975-4394
  • Alberta Environment
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Lethbridge
  • Natural Resources Canada
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Workshop: Climate Change and Water Resources in the Southern Saskatchewan River Basin

The objectives of this project were to bring together scientists and stakeholders to discuss the state of knowledge of climate change impacts and adaptation for the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) and to develop a research agenda to address the issues facing the basin water users. Water from the SSRB is used for a combination of consumptive and in-stream uses including: irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, community water supply, recreation and tourism. It also flows through a number of jurisdictions. The workshop report noted that issues facing the basin under climate change were expected to be complex and therefore an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to studying the vulnerability of water resources in the Basin would be required. As a basis for such a study, common sets of data and climate change scenarios would be required. The workshop report formed the basis for a subsequent call for proposals for research on the SSRB.

Contact:Suren Kulshreshtha
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-4014
  • University of Regina
  • Environment Canada
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Adaptation Strategies for Oil and Gas Infrastructure

Changes in the duration, amount and intensity of precipitation have the potential to increase ground movement and slope instability. This soil movement could, in turn, threaten the structural integrity of linear infrastructure, including pipelines, roads and railroads, by placing additional strain on these structures. In this study, researchers examined the integrity of pipelines in western Canada by using a modelling approach to predict the effect of changes in precipitation on slope movement rates. Results allowed the identification of critical thresholds that will help industry and government regulators plan for potential impacts of climate change.

Contact:Ibrahim Konuk
Natural Resources Canada
(613) 992-1952
  • University of Ottawa
  • TransCanada Energy
  • Westcoast Energy International
  • SNAM (National transmission company in Italy)
  • MMS-US Department of Interior
  • Martec Ltd
  • C-Core
  • McGill University
  • Rensellaar University
Project Classification:
  • Transportation
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Management Strategies to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change in the SSRB

This project will examine the various economic policies for reducing vulnerability to climate change.

Contact:Marion Weber
Alberta Research Council
(780) 450-5193
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Alberta
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • National Water Research Institute (NWRI)
  • Canadian Center for Remote Sensing (CCRS)
  • University of Saskatchewan (UofS)
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

National Transportation Impacts and Adaptation Workshop

Transport Canada held a two day workshop that: (1) discussed the potential and current, short and long term, climate change impacts on transportation infrastructure and operations; (2) facilitated network development; and (3) gathered stakeholder input to assist the assessment of priority areas of research to aid decision-makers. While uncertainties remain, especially in predicting local effects, sensitivities and vulnerabilities were identified. The need for developing inter-jurisdictional mechanisms for establishing priorities, coordinating activities, and sharing resources, is apparent; suggested approaches included a pilot program in the territories where adaptation strategies are most urgently needed. In attendance were sixty transportation professionals and climate change experts. Climate change adaptation should be integrated into federal, provincial and territorial government business planning.

Contact:Kathleen Nadeau
Transport Canada
(613) 990-3047
  • Office of Critical Structure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
  • Environment Canada
Project Classification:
  • Transportation
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Climate change and Canadian road transport: assessing impacts and adaptations

There is limited information available on the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of the road freight system to changes in weather and climate. To address this knowledge gap, researchers will conduct a, quantitative assessment of road transport's vulnerability to climate conditions (both chronic and acute) as well as an in-depth evaluation of existing management and operations. The project will provide a comparative analysis of current approaches to dealing with climate variability in various regions of Canada as it affects the road transport system. This project has four main objectives: 1) To understand the historical pattern of climate and weather events affecting the road transportation system across Canada, focussing on the TransCanada Corridor, other major corridors and border crossings; 2)To identify and understand the operational effects and management approaches associated with current climate and weather events with an emphasis on critical vulnerability thresholds; 3) to establish the net socio-economic impacts of the operational effects and management approaches identified above; and4) To apply climate change scenarios and explore the socio-economic implications of various adaptation strategies.

Contact:Clarence Woudsma
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 poste 3662
  • McMaster University
  • St. Mary's University
Project Classification:
  • Transportation
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Afforestation of Marginal Agricultural Land

This study determined the location, extent and forest potential of soils that are currently marginal for farming, and assessed the socioeconomic impacts of converting those areas to forest production. Researchers applied geographic information systems (GIS), ground-truthing, and socio-economic data to complete the analysis.

Contact:Ted Huffman
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(613) 759-1846
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Statistics Canada
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Climate Change Impacts on Productivity and Health of Aspen Forests in the Western Canadian Interior

Trembling aspen is important for wildlife, recreation and the forest industry in western Canada. Researchers analysed tree rings from 72 aspen stands across the Prairie Provinces to determine how climate variation, insects and other factors have affected aspen growth and health. They found that insect defoliation and drought were the most important factors driving year to year variation in aspen productivity. This research will help in understanding the response of aspen forests to future climate change.

Contact:Ted Hogg
Natural Resources Canada
(780) 435-7225
  • Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service
  • Environment Canada -Atmospheric Environment Branch
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Enhanced Indicators of Climate Change Impacts on Forest Hydrology

This study developed indicators to demonstrate the sensitivity of the forest water balance to climate variability. This will assist the forestry sector in evaluating land use adaptation strategies, especially in regions where persistent water deficits may develop in the next century.

Contact:Raoul Granger
Environment Canada
(306) 975-5758
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service
  • United Kingdom Meteorological Office - Hadley Centre for Climate Change and Prediction
  • Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Northern Affairs Programme
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Northwest Territories
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Projecting Canadian Forest Fire Impacts in a Changing Climate: Laying the Foundation for the Development of Sound Adaptation Strategies

This project examined the relationship between fire activity and climate in Canada over the past 50 years, and evaluated how an increase in the number and severity of fires would affect forest communities, timber supply, and carbon budgets. Researchers used high-resolution regional climate models to generate scenarios of future forest fire danger. They found that the seasonal fire severity rating would increase in much of Canada under the projected impacts of climate changes.

Contact:Brian Stocks
Natural Resources Canada
(705) 541-5568
  • Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service
  • Environment Canada
  • University of Toronto
  • Provincial and Territorial Fire Management Agencies
  • Parks Canada
  • Millar Western Forest Products
  • Weldwood Forest Products
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Impacts of Climate Change on Permafrost in Canada

In this project, researchers examined potential changes in the temperature and extent of permafrost in Canada due to projected climate warming. This was done by applying a climate-permafrost model within a geographical information system (GIS). They found that under a 2xCO2 warming scenario, total permafrost area would be reduced by about 28%, resulting in most of the western mainland, all of northern Quebec and the Mackenzie Valley becoming permafrost-free. Cold, stable permafrost would be confined largely to the Arctic Archipelago.

Contact:Michael Smith
Carleton University
(613) 520-2600 ext. 2566
Project Classification:
  • Landscape Hazards
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Variability of spruce budworm outbreak dynamics in the Boreal Plains region of Canada

Nationally, insects and disease reduce annual forest productivity by 25%. Spruce budworm outbreaks alone account for one fourth of these losses. Further, analyses of historical spruce budworm outbreak data suggest that intensity of outbreaks will increase and the resulting damage to forest coupled with climate change will shift the southern margin of the boreal forest northward two degrees of latitude. This project will: (1) develop regional spruce budworm outbreak chronologies for the Boreal Plains region of Canada extending back to 1800; (2) assess the association between outbreak onset, duration and collapse with identifiable climatic events in the record to evaluate the influence of climate on budworm dynamics and; (3) prepare outbreak vulnerability maps of the Boreal Plains region to identify areas where adaptation strategies seem most warranted.

Contact:Jan Volney
Natural Resources Canada
(780) 435-7329
  • Saskatchewan Environment
  • Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
  • University of Alberta
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Susceptibility of Canadian Forests to a changing fire regime: defining and costing sound fire management adaptation strategies

This study will address the susceptibility of Canada's forests to a changing fire regime as a result of climate change. Knowing the location and the level of susceptibility of Canadian forests to fire will greatly aid in the development of adaptation strategies. An altered fire regime could have important consequences for fire management agencies and for silvicultural practices that are being developed to emulate natural disturbances. In this study, researchers will determine the impact of a changing climate on the level of fire activity in Canadian forests, estimate the economic effect and impact of the altered fire activity on fire management agencies and develop a range of adaptation strategies that balance economic costs and environmental impacts for fire management agencies to address the altered fire activity.

Contact:Mike Flannigan
Natural Resources Canada
(705) 541-5541
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
  • University of Toronto
  • Environment Canada~ Meteorological Service of Canada
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Climatic Change and Fragmented Prairie Biodiversity: Prediction and Adaptation

This project investigated the ability of vertebrates, plants and insects to migrate in response to climate change, given the fragmented nature of natural habitats. Researchers created a computer program, called the Taxa Dispersal Model (TDM) that predicts the potential dispersal of species on the landscape in response to projected climate conditions. Researchers ran a pilot stage of the model, which focussed on small regions in southern Saskatchewan, and projected conditions from the present to 2050. Results suggested that species with limited dispersal ability, such as plants and flightless insects, would be significantly impacted by climate change over the next few decades.

Contact:Paul C. James
Saskatchewan Environment
(306) 787-9058
  • University of Regina – Canadian Plains Research Centre
Project Classification:
  • Ecosystems
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

A multi-centre Approach to Investigate the Health Impacts of Extreme Heat and Cold Events due to Climate Change and Climate Variation

In order to assess the effects of extreme heat and cold periods on the health of the population, it is necessary to understand the relationship between health and climate under current and past conditions. This project will attempt to assess the prevalence of illness, injury and death as a result of extreme heat and cold events through the collection and evaluation of administrative health data in the form of mortality, hospital admissions, emergency room, physician billing files, and trauma data from different sentinel health centres across Canada. These centres include: Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Ottawa and Halifax. Linking the regional health data to synoptic weather classifications of extreme heat and cold events over an approximate 10 year period, will provide new knowledge regarding the vulnerability of certain populations and/or regions and establish the need for a surveillance system to monitor associated health impacts to climate variability. This information can then be used for more accurate assessments of health effects of climate change in Canada, and provide policy and decision-makers with a scientific basis for adaptation measures needed.

Contact:Yang Mao
Health Canada
(613) 957-1765
  • Environment Canada
  • Canadian Institute for Health Information
  • Dalhousie University
  • University of Alberta
  • Ottawa Hospital-Civic Campus
Project Classification:
  • Health
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Yield Variability under Climate Change and Adaptive Crop Management Scenarios

Using a simulation model that integrates major biophysical processes and soil and crop management practices, the researchers examined the impacts of climate change on crop yields across Canada. Results indicate that under a 2xCO2 climate change scenario, yields of soybean, potato and winter wheat would generally increase, while yields of corn would tend to decrease. The role of adaptations in reducing losses and increasing gains was also demonstrated.

Contact:Reinder DeJong
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(613) 759-1520
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Municipal Infrastructure Risk Project (Across Canada)

Researchers conducted interviews in six municipalities across the country to better understand the barriers to climate change adaptation at the municipal level. These interviews revealed that financial constraints, attitudes of the public and council members, and the nature of municipal politics were key factors limiting the consideration of climate change in infrastructure decisions. For example, municipalities were not comfortable undertaking long-term financial and infrastructure planning without guarantees of funds from provincial government. In addition, priorities are set, and final decisions are made by council members, many of whom may not consider climate change to be a priority issue within their three-year term of office. Indeed, lack of awareness of the importance of climate change issues among both the public and councillors, was an often-cited barrier to adaptation. Another significant constraint was insufficient municipal staff time and resources to plan for future climate change impacts. To begin to overcome these barriers, researchers recommend increasing awareness and understanding of climate change, and providing municipal staff with detailed information on potential climate change impacts on infrastructure. Improving relationships and communication between scientific researchers and municipal staff was also suggested, as were various ideas for dealing with financial barriers (e.g., funding opportunities).

Contact:Azzah Jeena
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
(613) 241-5221 ext. 264
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • University of Ottawa
  • Global Change Strategies International Inc.
Project Classification:
  • Communities
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Water Sector: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change

Regional workshops were used to identify broad scale vulnerabilities in the water resources sector across Canada. The resulting report addresses the nature and reliability of the new generation climate models; regional vulnerabilities for the major regions of Canada; and outlines an adaptation strategy for water management.

Contact:James P. Bruce
Global Change Strategies International
(613) 232-7979
  • Global Change Strategies International Inc.
  • Environment Canada - Meteorological Services Canada
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Key Water Use Sectors in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (Alberta and Saskatchewan) to Changes in Water Supply Resulting from Climate Change

This study will examine the economic and social impacts and capacity to adapt that changes in water supply resulting from climate change could have in Alberta and Saskatchewan sectors of the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB). The study area will include the Oldman River Basin, Bow River Basin, Red Deer River Basin, Swift Current Creek sub-basin and the Saskatchewan portion of the SSRB. The major water user sectors to be considered in this study include irrigation, stock-watering, rural domestic, urban municipal (including industrial), other industrial, mining, thermal energy generation, hydroelectric energy generation, evaporation, and inter-jurisdictional apportionment. Major in-situ water users to be included are recreation, wetlands, tourism and navigation. The primary purpose of the study is to provide more information for the development of federal, provincial (Alberta and Saskatchewan), and municipal adaptation government policy in the SSRB.

Contact:Lawrence Martz
University of Saskatchewan
(306) 966-5667
  • University of Lethbridge
  • University of Regina
  • University of Calgary
  • Environment Canada
  • St. Peter's College
  • University of Alberta
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
Project Classification:
  • Water Resources
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Adaptation of Prairie Cities: The Role of Climate

Researchers suggest that there is a need for more comprehensive impacts and adaptation strategies in Prairie cities. At present, there is a lack of knowledge and awareness of potential impacts and adaptation strategies, and generally poor incorporation of weather and climate information in decision-making. This results in cities on the Prairies being characterized by a high vulnerability to future climatic changes, such as increased temperatures, lower water levels, and more frequent extreme events.  To decrease vulnerability, researchers recommended the implementation of no-regrets adaptation strategies, improved communication between scientists, decision-makers and the public, and increased budget flexibility to allow departments to incorporate climate change into long-term planning. For example, utility and transportation services have an excellent opportunity to account for future climate change during routine upgrades and maintenance. Through this strategy, small increases in present-day investments have great potential to reduce the need for expensive repairs in the future.

Contact:Virgina Wittrock
Saskatchewan Research Council
(306) 933-8122
  • City Climate Advisory Group (includes the Architectural Association of Saskatchewan)
  • Alberta Environmental Protection
  • Manitoba Conservation
  • Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
  • SaskPower
  • the Cities of Regina~ Winnipeg~ Saskatoon~ Edmonton~ Brandon~ Swift Current~ Prince Albert~ Grande Prairie
Project Classification:
  • Communities
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Impacts of climate change on grazing capacity of native grasslands in the Canadian Prairies

This study will provide improved understanding of the probable impacts of climate change over the next half-century on grazing capacity in rangelands of the Canadian prairies. The objectives are to develop a more definitive assessment of the impact of climate change on grazing capacity of native grasslands in the Prairie provinces (considering the whole range of climates and soil types which support native grassland), and to use this impact assessment as a basis for investigating adaptations that will be required in the livestock industry. As part of this investigation, stakeholders will be surveyed to determine the role of grazing capacity information in their operations. Understanding of the potential impacts of climate change is important because of the significance of range grazing in the economy of this region, the potential for changes in the ecological basis for grazing under climatic change, and the expanding role of grazing as drier parts of the region become less suitable for arable agriculture.

Contact:Jeffrey Thorpe
Saskatchewan Research Council
(306) 933-8172
  • Natural Resources Canada
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Impacts of Climate Change on Range Site Classification in the Canadian Prairies

This project will examine projected changes in land suitability ratings using multiple scenarios of future climate, and the potential for the agricultural industry to respond to resulting changes in land suitability in the Canadian Prairies. Specifically, the project will develop spatially explicit projections of changes in range site classifications and productivity ratings in light of future climate change. Results will be presented to stakeholders and their significance will be interpreted for future range planning in this region. This research builds on an existing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program agriculture project by this principal investigator. The current project will include better representation in differences among range sites, exploration of the differences in plant species composition among sites, and extended GIS modelling to represent the actual geographic pattern of soils supporting rangeland in the Canadian Prairies. The results of this analysis will indicate changes in range site classification and productivity rating in response to new patterns of climate.

Contact:Jeffrey Thorpe
Saskatchewan Research Council
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

The Vulnerability of Land Management in the Grassland-Forest Transition to Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems and Soil Landscapes

This project will examine critical thresholds in climate variability, and in particular drought severity, that cause a significant ecological and geomorphic response. Subhumid ecosystems and soil landscapes are sensitive to fluctuations in the surface and soil water balances. The link between aridity and erosion is well established from paleoenvironmental records and from the monitoring of geomorphic processes and regional sediment yields. Sustained periods of low precipitation and soil moisture lower resistance to disturbance such that increased climatic variability may exceed thresholds for landscape degradation. In general, biophysical systems react to short-term climate variability and to extreme events before they respond to gradual changes in mean conditions. GCM forecasts of increased aridity, in both average conditions and extremes (drought), have major implications for rates of erosion and sediment yield. Less protection of the soil surface from wind and rain is generally given or implied as the cause of higher rates of erosion in semiarid landscapes, however, plants also reduce runoff erosion through the transpiration of soil water and the positive influence of stems, roots and organic matter on the infiltration of rain and snowmelt water.

Contact:Dave Sauchyn
University of Regina
  • 1.PARC
  • 2.University of Regina
  • 3.Adaptation Research Collaborative
  • 4.Saskatchewan Research Council
  • 5.University of Regina
  • 1. Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve
  • 2. Labrador Institute
  • 3. Parc national Gros?Morne
  • 4. Environnement Canada
  • 5. Nation innue de Sheshatshiu~ Labrador
  • 6. Gouvernement de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
Project Classification:
  • Ecosystems
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Effects of Climate Change on Waterfowl in the Western Boreal Forest and Implications for Food Supply and Adaptation Strategies

The objective of this project is to identify climate change impacts on waterfowl in the western boreal forest that may be critical to long term conservation and land use strategies under a changing climate, and that could help northern communities adapt to a potentially changing food supply. Results should provide early warning of potential changes in subsistence food supply, development of adaptation strategies to climate-induced changes in traditional food supply, analysis of adaptation strategies in light of uncertainties in supply and demand, identification of waterfowl production areas that would become critically important under climate change, facilitation of conservation strategies, guidance to resource managers in developing harvest policies, and directing future research to areas where climate-impacts are likely to be most severe.

Contact:Ann Chan-McLeod

  • 1. University of British Columbia
  • 2. University of Victoria
  • 3. Environment Canada
  • 1. Saskatchewan Environment
  • 2. Saskatchewan Research Council
  • 3. Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation
  • 4. Deschambault Lake Co-Management Board
  • 5. Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
Project Classification:
  • Food Supply
  • Alberta
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Estimating Drought Impacts on Forage Production and Assessing Current and Future Adaptation Options

This project will examine adaptive strategies to climate change, with a focus on the GrassGro Decision Support Tool as an enhanced method to the widely accepted Palmer Drought Index in determining drought management. Several management strategies will be assessed to reduce the strains of drought. For example, simulations that involve conservative stocking rates, which has been shown to allow forage recovery and production carry-over to exist to reduce impacts in drought periods, will be evaluated. The project will also include testing adaptive management options to deal with multi-year severe droughts. While this project will focus on Saskatchewan, the results may be expanded to various locations across the Canadian prairies.

Contact:Elaine Wheaton

  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Canadian Agricultural Adaptations to 21st Century Droughts: Preparing for Climate Change?

The purpose of this project is to improve understanding of current adaptation processes and options in Canadian agriculture. This will be done by using the droughts of 2001 and 2002 as an analogue of future climate change stresses due to climate change extremes. This will enable an estimation of current actual adaptive capacity. Many potential adaptation options have been suggested for use in impact and adaptation assessment, but little work has been done to list and organizing actual adaptation options available and implemented. This project builds on previous research by this team, wherein the drought impacts of 2001 were examined in some detail and a preliminary examination of adaptations strategies was completed. Due to limited data and literature at the time of the project, 2002 was not examined as extensively. Also, the work provided only preliminary research regarding adaptation. Therefore, much of the research in the current project will focus on the 2002 drought year, and a more comprehensive and quantitative assessment of the 2001 and 2002 drought years as compared to past droughts is also planned.

Contact:Elaine Wheaton
Saskatchewan Research Council
(306) 933-8179
  • Environment Canada
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Manitoba
  • Unversity of Lethbridge
  • Olds College
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

An Assessment of the Vulnerability of the Boreal Forest

This study brought together the results of previous research on the impacts of climate change on the western Canadian boreal forest and forest industry. Researchers reviewed literature, assessed knowledge gaps, and provided an integrated picture of the overall sensitivity and vulnerability of selected eco-districts to varying precipitation levels.

Contact:Elaine Wheaton
Saskatchewan Research Council
(306) 933-8179
  • Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • Natural Resources Canada
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Manitoba
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Climate change implications in the boreal forest fringe and surrounding agricultural areas: options and recommendations for suitable forest establishment and maintenance

The fringe forest in Saskatchewan is potentially sensitive to climate change. Under a warmer and drier future climate, significant losses of forest cover may be anticipated due to increased severity of drought, in combination with fire, insects and other factors. This work will present silviculture and management options to adapt to potential changes in site suitability in the boreal forest fringe. This work will discuss the option of increasing the forest landbase with agricultural land conversion (agro-forestry).

Contact:Angus Carr
Geo-Spatial Timberline Inc.
(306) 765-2855
  • University of Winnipeg
  • Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative (PARC)
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • Saskatchewan Forest Centre
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

A Comparative Assessment of the Capacity of Canadian Rural Communities to Adapt to Uncertain Futures

Changes in ecosystems supporting communities in coastal Newfoundland and British Columbia, central Canada and northern Saskatchewan have already occurred and climate change in conjunction with other socio-economic and political factors will continue to effect livelihoods in these rural communities. This comparative assessment will employ a human vulnerability-security research framework to assess each community's capacity to cope with and, if necessary, adapt to uncertain futures including climatic change.

Contact:Michael Brklacich
Carleton University
(613) 520-2561
  • Prince Albert Model Forest Association
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • South Nation Conservation
  • Town of Change Islands
  • Inner Coast Natural Resource Centre
  • Integrated Land Management Agency~ BC
  • Environment Canada
Project Classification:
  • Communities
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Climate and climate change vulnerability assessment of northern renewable resource based communities (NRRBC)

The project will combine biological modeling and socioeconomic analysis to develop an integrated assessment approach for assessment of factors contributing to the vulnerability of renewable resource based communities in Canada. The assessment methodology will be tested on two Canadian communities. An important and relatively unique dimension of this project is that the analysis of impacts and community capacities will be undertaken at scales relevant to community decision makers (i.e. relatively high spatial resolution compared to most vulnerability assessments). Through partnership with the Model Forest program communities will be engaged in the project and examination of the results.

Contact:Tim Williamson
Canadian Forest Service
(780) 435-7372
  • Canadian Model Forest Network
  • Alaska Communities and Forest Environments Team~ United States Department of Agriculture
  • Province of Manitoba Energy~ Science and Technology~ Energy Development Initiative~ Climate Change Branch
  • Natural Resources Canada~ Canadian Forest Service
  • Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach
Project Classification:
  • Communities
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

ISI WIPAN - Climate: Identifying the impacts of climate change and capacity for adaptation in two Saskatchewan First Nations communities

This research project will examine the integrated and interconnected impacts of climate change across various sectors in two First Nation communities in Saskatchewan. This project will use a holistic frame-work, compatible to Indigenous worldviews that emphasizes the interconnections between social, cultural and natural systems. The proposed project will develop more focused research with two communities, who have identified significant climate change concerns around impacts on water, forest ecosystems, availability of culturally important plants, and livelihood activities.

Contact:Willie Ermine
First Nations University of Canada Northern Campus
  • Shoal Lake Cree Nation
  • James Smith Cree Nation
  • Prince Albert Grand Council
Project Classification:
  • Communities
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Climate Change and Seasonality in Canadian Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

This study focuses on evaluating how climate change will effect outdoor activities such as alpine skiing, snowmobiling, golfing and camping; vital parts of the recreation and tourism industry. Researchers will assess the risks and opportunities climate change poses for these activities in selected locations across Canada, assess the implications for intra- and inter-regional competitive relationships and tourism product development and explore supply and demand-side adaptations to altered recreational season lengths.

Contact:Daniel Scott
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 5497
  • Environment Canada
  • Ouranos
Project Classification:
  • Tourism
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

The Vulnerability of Nature-Based Tourism in Canada to Climate

This study focuses on the quality of the natural setting in influencing nature based tourism demand. This quality is impacted by global climate change. The areas of study are national and provincial parks in Ontario and Saskatchewan. There are three objectives for this study: 1) assessment of the sensitivity major recreation activities to climate in selected parks and attendant implications for visitor use patterns; 2) examination of how climate change impacts on the natural resources of selected parks may affect preferences for tourism destinations; and 3) examination of the capacity of current visitor management plans to cope with climate change, identify potential park management adaptive responses and existing barriers to adaptation.

Contact:Daniel Scott
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 5497
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Saskatchewan Environment~ Parks and Special Places
Project Classification:
  • Tourism
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: In Progress

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Transient simulations of climate change impacts on Canada´s forests 2000-2100: Vulnerability and implications for forestry and conservation

Canada's forests are of critical importance to our national heritage as well as to our economy. Globally our forests contribute to climatic stability, the water cycle and the sequestration of carbon. Climate change threatens these ecosystem services. In this study researchers will assess (1) the impacts of a range of plausible climate change scenarios on the distribution and composition of Canada's forests, and (2) the implications for forestry and conservation interests.

Contact:David Price
Natural Resources Canada
(780) 435-7249
  • Environment Canada
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Waterloo
Project Classification:
  • Forestry
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Farm-level adaptation to multiple risks: climate change and other concerns

This study's purpose is to assess the prospects for farm-level adaptation to climate change and other risks in Canadian agriculture. Focusing on the lower Fraser Valley, BC, Manitoba, and southwestern Ontario, the main objectives are: 1) conceptualize and empirically assess the place and the interaction of climate related risks relative to other risks of production, marketing, and finance in Canadian agriculture; 2) assess the suitability of conventional farm-level climate change adaptation options in Canadian agriculture given other sources of risk, and; 3) develop a revised inventory of farm-level options for adapting to climate and other risks in Canadian agriculture.

Contact:Benjamin Bradshaw
University of Guelph
(519) 824-4120 ext. 58460
  • Brandon University
  • Simon Fraser University
Project Classification:
  • Agriculture
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Québec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

Climate Changes, Wildfires and Respiratory Ailments in Northern Saskatchewan

The purpose of this study is to examine relationships between wildfire and respiratory health in Northern Saskatchewan and to estimate possible impacts of climate change on these relationships. Once established, the relationships will enable the identification of adaptation options. Suitable methodologies and integrated databases will be developed to correlate respiratory ailments in Northern Saskatchewan with recent (25 years) wildfire history. Global climate models will be used to model possible future changes in climate and wildfire patterns. The results will be compared between Northern or Boreal Shield Ecozone, Commercial Forest or Boreal Plain Ecozone and Southern or Parkland Ecoregion with differing wildfire risk levels. Possible future patterns of respiratory ailments will be linked to modeled future climate and wildfire patterns. A workshop will be held with stakeholders to discuss the study findings and possible adaptation options.

Contact:Lynda Langford
Saskatchewan Environment
(306) 787-6868
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • Saskatchewan Health
  • Saskatchewan Research Council
  • Saskatchewan Environment
  • Canadian Forest Service
  • Northern Saskatchewan Regional Health Authority
Project Classification:
  • Health
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Full Report Location: Link available

Suitability and Adaptability of Current Protected Area Policies under Different Climate Change Scenarios: The Case of the Prairie Ecozone, Saskatchewan

The purpose of this study is to assess the capacity, both barriers and incentives, of the current protected areas policies (including the protected areas network) to represent and sustain ecological health in the Prairie Ecozone in Saskatchewan under future climate conditions. A policy framework for Saskatchewan will be proposed. The policies are intended to support park and protected area planners and managers with responding to climate change now and in the near future.

Contact:Jeffrey Thorpe
Saskatchewan Research Council
  • 1. Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
  • 2. Saskatchewan Research Council
Project Classification:
  • Ecosystems
  • Saskatchewan

Project Status: Complete

Further Research Information: Link available

Full Report Location: Link available

2006-10-06Important notices