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Welcome to ICLR

Thank you for visiting the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR). ICLR is working to reduce disaster deaths, injuries and property damage. We are committed to the development of disaster prevention knowledge, and the broad dissemination of these research findings. On this website, for example, researchers can learn more about studies underway, recent publications and upcoming workshops. Individuals can improve their understanding of the science behind several hazards, and learn how to better protect their family and home.

ICLR is a research institute. Established by Canada’s property and casualty insurers, we are working to reduce disaster losses. The Institute is internationally recognized for our leadership in multi-disciplinary disaster prevention research. Quality research provides the foundation for better public policy and disaster management. We use research findings to help you better understand the hazards that you are vulnerable to, and identify simply steps you can take to better protect your family and your home.

Canada’s property and casualty insurers founded the Institute in 1998. ICLR is a co-ordinated effort to reduce disaster losses involving member insurance companies, the The University of Western Ontario and other partners. The Institute earns contract revenue for specific projects, and workshop fees. Ongoing funding is provided by member insurers, and the Ontario Research and Development Challenge Fund.

Quality research is the foundation for enhanced disaster safety and reduced losses. ICLR's research priorities emphasize the benefits of multi-disciplinary research. The Institute is building a research network of individuals involved in disaster research, including a program focusing on the social and health impacts of disasters. We support researchers in many institutions (current research). Our research findings are shared through our publications series. Researchers are also invited to participate in our workshop program.

Be prepared! There are simple, inexpensive steps that you should take immediately to reduce your family's vulnerability to disasters. ICLR's disaster safety advice applies to all hazards. For several hazards – earthquakes, lightning/hail, flood/drought, hurricanes, tornadoeswildfires and winter stormswe provide information so you can better understand the risk, and protect your family and your home.

ICLR is committed to improved public awareness about disasters. Some items on this website that may be of interest to students include a scientific introduction to several hazards including earthquakes, lightning/hail, flood/drought, hurricanes, tornadoeswildfires and winter storms.