Government of CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation 
The winds of change: Climate change in Prairie Provinces

Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 70, 2001

Lead agency
Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada
Other participating agencies
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Alberta Conservation Association
Alberta Environment
Destination Conservation
Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada
Environment Canada, National Water Research Institute
Emergency Preparedness Canada
Manitoba Conservation
Manitoba Geological Survey
Manitoba Hydro
Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
Pembina Institute
Saskatchewan Research Council
SEEDS Foundation
Soltek Solar Energy Ltd.

Funding provided in part by the Government of Canada Climate Change Action Fund.

Editor: Stephen A. Wolfe
Graphic design and Cartography: Environmental Analysis Services Methane Design Web site
Central image: Information supplied by the National Atlas of Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Canada
Project management: Stephen A. Wolfe, Beth Lavender
Contributors: C. Beaulieu, G. Bell, G. Brooks, W. Bruce, J. Campbell, M. Demuth, M. Egron-Polak, D. Fairless, R. Herrington, T. Hogg, G. Koshida, R. Latifovic, Z. Li, N. Lunn, H. Maathuis, E. Nielsen, T. O'Brien, A. Paul, A. Pietroniro, J. Stelfox, I. Stirling, W. Skinner, B. Smit, S. Smith, M. Sylvain, J. Thorpe, E. Wheaton, E. Wiken, V. Wittrock
Steering committee: J.-V. Auclair, L. Chang, G. Delorme, B. Gray, T. Goddard, D. Gylywoychuk, B. Hamlin, P. Hart, J. Hoddinott, W. Koning, B. Laycock, D. Lunn, C. MacDonald, D. Mosscrop, D. Pollock, B. Lawson, B. Morehouse, P. Scott, R. Shymko, B. Staszenski, B. Yee, T. Zdan
Reviewers: C. Langham, J. Aylsworth

This poster is available from Geological Survey of Canada offices:
601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 1-888-252-4301 (toll free)
101-605 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5T3
3303-33rd Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7

This poster is one of a series of posters on climate change in Canada available from the Geological Survey of Canada.

Website: GSC Educational sites

© 2001. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Natural Resources Canada.

Catalogue No. M41-8/70E
ISBN 0-660-18357-9
