Government of CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation 
Climate Change in Canada
Regional Aspects of Climate Change - The Prairie Provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)

Prairie Provinces

According to Environment Canada, the yearly average temperature in the Prairie Provinces has warmed about 1.2°C over about the last 50 years - but winter temperatures have warmed about 3.0°C, and summer temperatures have only increased about 0.2°C. Since 1948, seven of the ten warmest years in the Prairies have occurred after 1981.

Most of the climate change scenarios that have been projected for the Prairie Provinces suggest that the southern Prairies can expect an increase in the frequency and length of droughts. This region could experience deficiencies in soil moisture by the end of the century. However, not all parts of the Prairie Provinces will experience the same effects. Some scientists suggest that, despite the increased frequency of droughts anticipated for most of the southern Prairies, this may not occur in southern Alberta.

Potential regional impacts

severe thunderstormswater issues

Curriculum linkages


impact on humans


UNIT D: Energy flow in global systems
(STSE and Knowledge outcomes)

Social studies

Interdependence in the global environment
Theme III: Quality of life c) Quality of life is increasingly affected by environmental issues of global concern.
Theme IV: Alternative futures: possibilities for change c) There are potential solutions to global concerns.


impact on humans

Sustainable ecosystems, Weather dynamics
Sustainable development, II
(The new science curriculum courses that are not yet implemented will link directly with the Pan Canadian general and specific learning outcomes.)


water issues

Core unit A: Earth/Environmental
A1 Water quality: The role of humans in the biosphere - Chapter 3
- Pollution and environmental stress, p. 76
Chemistry in industry - Chapter 15
- Acid rain and our environment, p. 458
A2 The greenhouse effect Health science connections
- 6.2 Altering the environment, p.170
