Climate change is considered by many scientists to be the most serious threat facing the world today. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. Solutions include phasing out coal plants, expanding renewable energy sources and public transit, and creating new efficiency standards for vehicles and buildings. Find out what you can do to help make a difference!

December 08, 2006
Olympic skiers play it cool with Suzuki

November 09, 2006
New report shows Ontario gaining more from conservation than nuclear power

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Comment on the federal government's Clean Air Act!
 Submit your comments today to the federal Minister of Environment. Thomas Grandi

Leading winter athletes 'Play It Cool' to stop global warming. Find out more...

Discover why air travel is so harmful to the climate, and what you can do about it.

Go Carbon Neutral. Learn how you can take responsibility for your impact on the climate.

Read George Monbiot's book 
Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning.

Science: The scientific consensus is clear: human-caused climate change is happening.
Impacts: Wildlife, human health and economies worldwide are threatened by climate change. 
Kyoto Protocol: A crucial first step toward addressing climate change.

Energy: Learn about the advantages of renewable energy, conservation & efficiency over fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Solutions: Practical and cost-effective solutions to climate change are already available in many industrial sectors

What You Can Do: Simple changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference.

Publications: Download and read our latest reports on climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, and more.

Links: Additional resources on climate change and energy issues.

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