Government of CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation 
Taking the Chill Off: Climate Change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories

The Yukon and Northwest territories poster is also hosted on the Aurora College web site.


Editors and Compilers:

Sharon Smith: Geological Survey of Canada& Natural Resources Canada
Margo Burgess: Geological Survey of Canada & Natural Resources Canada
Valoree Walker: Aurora Research Institute

Contributing Agencies:

The following individuals have contributed to this poster by providing material and reviewing poster content:

Bea Alt, Mike Demuth, Claude Duguay, Alan Fehr, Lois Harwood, Sharon Jeffers, Mark Nixon, Aynslie Ogden, Stephen Robinson, Steve Solomon, Ian Stirling, Jennifer Walker-Larsen and Stephen Wolfe

Janice Naufal & Jan Aylsworth provided graphic design advice
Critical Reviewer: Larry Dyke
Web site for this poster: Laura Aubrey
Natural Resources Canada Education Website

This project was funded in part by the Government of Canada's Climate Change Action Fund


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Aylsworth, J.M. and Duk-Rodkin, A., 1997. Landslides and permafrost in the Mackenzie Valley; in Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS), Final Report, Environmental Adaptation Research Group, Environment Canada, p. 118-122.

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Brooks, G.R., 2000. Streamflow in the Mackenzie valley; in The physical environment of the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories: a baseline for the assessment of environmental change, L.D. Dyke and G.R. Brooks (ed.);Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 547, 212 p.

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Data for map from Canadian Climate Centre for Modelling and Analysis Coupled GCM.

Duguay, C., Université Laval, pers. comm.

Dyke, L.D., Aylsworth, J.M., Burgess, M.M., Nixon, F.M. and Wright, F., 1997. Permafrost in the Mackenzie Basin, its influences on land-altering processes, and its relationship to climate change; in Mackenzie Basin Impact Study (MBIS), Final Report, Environmental Adaptation Research Group, Environment Canada, p. 112-117.

Eamer, J., Russell, D. and Kofinas, G., 1997. Impacts of climate change on aboriginal lifestyles in British Columbia and Yukon; Chapter 16 in Responding to global climate change in British Columbia and Yukon, Volume I of the Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, E. Taylor and B. Taylor (ed.); Environment Canada and BC Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks, 350 p.

Folland, C.K., Karl, T.R. and Vinnikov, K.Y., 1990. Observed climate variations and change; in Climate Change: the IPCC Scientific Assessment

Harwood, L.A., Smith, T.G. and Melling, H., 2000. Variation in reproduction and body condition of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) in western Prince Albert Sound, NT, Canada, as assessed through a harvest-based sampling program. Arctic 53 (4), in press.

Hegeveld, H., 1995. Understanding atmospheric change. Environment Canada SOE Report No. 95-2, 68 p.

Houghton, J.T., Meira Filho, L.G., Callander, B.A., Harris, N., Kattenberg, A. and Maskell, K. (ed.), 1996. Climate Change 1995: The science of climate change; Contribution of Working Group I to the second assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 584 p

Maxwell, B., 1997. Responding to global climate change in Canada's Arctic; Volume II of the Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, Environmental Adaptation Research Group, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, 82 p.

Natural Resources Canada, 2000. Sensitivities to climate change in Canada.

Nixon, F.M., Geological Survey of Canada, pers. comm. Wolfe, S.A., Kotler, E. and Nixon, F.M. 2000. Recent warming impacts in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, and northern Yukon Territory coastal areas; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-B1, 9 p.

Smith, S.L. and Burgess, M.M., 2000. Ground temperature database for northern Canada; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #3954, 57 p.

Smith, S.L., Burgess, M.M. and Heginbottom, J.A. (in press), Permafrost in Canada, a challenge to northern development; in G.R. Brooks (ed.), A Synthesis of Geological Hazards in Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 548.

Solar powered Telecom site in Nahani National Park (Source: CANMET, Natural Resources Canada)

Solomon, S., Geological Survey of Canada - Atlantic, pers. comm.

Stirling, I., Canadian Wildlife Service, pers. comm.
