Government of CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation 
The tides of change: Climate change in Atlantic Canada

Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 75, 2001

This poster is available from the following Geological Survey of Canada offices:
601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8
P.O. Box 1006, Station B235, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2
3303-33 Street N.W., Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7
101-605 Robson Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 5T3

This miscellaneous report is one of a series of posters on climate change in Canada.
Website: GSC Educational Materials

Author : J. Shaw
Graphic Design : G. Grant and R. Sutherland
Central image: Courtesy of Worldsat International Inc., (Ontario)
Project Manager : B. Lavender
Contributors : J. Shaw, S. Szabo, W. Groszko, N. Catto, B. Topliss, K. Drinkwater, G. Parkes, R. Cox, T. Clair, B. Taylor, G. Lines, R. Elliot, S. Murray.
Reviewers : G.B. Fader et S. Solomon
Education liaison : J. Bates

Lead Agency
Natural Resources of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada (Atlantic), Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Participating agencies
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova-Scotia
Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography, St. John's, Newfoundland
Environment Canada, Environmental Conservation, Sackville, New Brunswick
Environment Canada, Meteorological Service of Canada, Atlantic Region

Funding : Governement of Canada Climate Change Action Fund
