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Climate Change in Canada
.Climate Change the Basics
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.Glacier and sea level rise
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 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation > Climate Change in Canada
Degrees of Variation : Climate change in Nunavut

Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 71, 2001

Bourgeois, J.C.
2000: Seasonal and intrannual pollen variability in snow layers of arctic ice caps; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 108, p. 17-36.
1995: Renewable Energy and Hybrid Systems -A Green Energy Alternative; fact sheet, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
1996: Voices from the Bay; in Northern Perspectives, v. 25, no. 1
Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
1987: A question of degrees; in Northern Perspectives, v. 15, no. 5, 16 p.
Edlund, S.A.
1986: Modern arctic vegetation distribution and its congruence with summer climate patterns; in Proceedings, Impact of Climatic Change on the Canadian High Arctic, (ed.) H.M. French; Environment Canada, Ottawa, p. 84-99.
Environment Canada
1994: Modelling the Global Climate System; in Climate Change Digest, CCD 94-01, Environment Canada, Ottawa, 20 p.
1997: What is climate change?
1999a: The science of climate change
1999b: The science of climate change -information nuggets
2000: Climate trends and variations bulletin for Canada -winter 1999/2000 temperature and precipitiation in historical perspective
Environmental Defense
1999: Steps to reduce global warming
Fisher, D.A., Koerner, R.M., and Reeh, N.
1995: Holocene climatic records from Agassiz Ice Cap, Ellesmere Island, NWT, Canada; The Holocene, v. 5, no. 1, p. 19-24
Flato, G.M., Boer, G.J., Lee, W.G., McFarlane, N.A., Ransden, D., Reader, M.C., and Weaver, A.J.
2000: The Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Global Coupled Model and its climate; Climate Dynamics (in press)
Government of Canada
1999: Canada's Perspective on Climate Change; Government of Canada, Ottawa, 24 p.
Huang, S., Pollack, P. and Shen, Y.
2000: Temperature trends over the past five centuries reconstructed from borehole temperatures; Nature, v. 403, p. 756-758
Hengeveld, H.G.
2000: Projections for Canada's climate future; Climate Change Digest, CCD 00-01, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
International Arctic Science Committee
1999: Impacts of Global Climate Change in the Arctic Regions; in Report from a Workshop on the Impacts of Global Climate Change -Tromso, Norway; (ed.) G. Weller and M. Lang; 59 p.
Inuit Circumpolar Conference
1997: The Hudson Bay Programme Traditional Knowledge Study
Koerner, R.M.
1995: Report on Mass Balance of Arctic Glaciers; in International Arctic Science Committee, Working Group on Arctic Glaciology -Oslo, Norway; (ed.) J. Jania. and J.O. Hagen; p. 5-8 plus tables.
Maxwell, B.
1997: Responding to Global Climate Change in Canada's Arctic, Vol II of the Canada Country Study -Climate Impacts and Adaptations, Environment Canada; 82 p.
Natural Resources Canada
2000: Sensitivities to Climate Change in Canada; 33 p.
Robinson, S.D.
in press:Thaw slump derived thermokarst in the vicinity of Hot Weather Creek; in Environmental Response to Climate Change in the Canadian High Arctic, (ed.) M. Garneau and B.T. Alt; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 529.
Solomon, S., Taylor, B., Dallimore, S.R., and Wolfe, S.A.
1999: Coastal process studies; in Permafrost Climate Change Studies, Geological Survey of Canada.
Stirling, I., Nicholas, J.L., and Iacozza, J.
1999: Long-term trends in the population ecology of polar bears in western Hudson Bay in relation to climate change; Arctic, v. 52, no. 3, p. 294-306.
Wolfe, S.
1998: Living with frozen ground - a field guide to permafrost in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 64, 71 p.
Zhang, X., Vincent, L.A., Hogg, W.D., and Ain Niitsoo
2000: Temperature and precipitation trends in Canada during the 20th century; Atmoshpere-Ocean, p. 395-429

Edited by: Kathryn Parlee and Bea Alt
Graphic design and cartography: K. Parlee and C. Gilbert
Research: K. Markwell, S. Qaunaq, S. Robinson, and S. Smith
Project director: B. Lavender
Project management:B. Alt and D. Scott
Contributors, advisors, and reviewers: J. Bourgeois, E. Baddaloo, M. Burgess, R. DeAbreu, L. Dyke, S. Edlund, P. Edwards, D. Fisher, G. Flatto, H. Hengeveld, D. Hodgson, W. Hogg, E. Hudson, J. Hyatt, B. Inuktalik, S. Jeffers, S. Joss, R. Koerner, A.G. Lewkowicz, S. Martel, B. MacIsaac, S. McCourt, J. Naufal, A. Niitsoo, F. Rainville, B. Rigby, P. Schledermann, J. Shaw, J. Shirley, I. Stirling, P. D. Sutherland, R. Taylor, N. Thorpe, L. Ussak, L. Vincent,S. Wolfe, C. Zdanowicz, and X. Zhang

Website: J. Sekerka
Education committee: B. Johnson, K. Giesbrecht

Lead agencies:
Natural Resources Canada,
Geological Survey of Canada;
Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office

Other participating agencies:
Canadian Ice Service;
Department of Sustainable Development, Nunavut;
Environment Canada;
Inukshuk Secondary School, Iqaluit;
Meteorological Service of Canada;
Nunavut Research Institute;
Qarmartalik School, Resolute Bay;
Ummimak School, Grise Fiord

This poster is available from the Geological Survey of Canada book stores:
601 Booth Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8

3303-33rd Street N.W.,
Calgary, Alberta T2L 2A7

101-605 Robson Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia V63 5T3

Available for viewing at:
Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office,
626 Tumiit Building, P.O. Box 2319
Iqaluit, Nunavut

Website: GSC Educational materials

Funding provided in part by the
Government of Canada Climate
Change Action Fund
© 2001. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Natural Resources Canada

2006-10-23Important notices