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Ressources naturelles Canada
Les impacts et l'adaptation liés aux changements climatiques
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 Les impacts et l'adaptation liés aux changements climatiques
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Priorités > Les impacts et l'adaptation liés aux changements climatiques
Programme sur les impacts et l'adaptation liés aux changements climatiques
Archive des nouvelles publications scientifiques d'intérêt

août 2003

  • BELTAOS, S. et B.C. BURRELL. 2003 Climatic change and river ice breakup. Revue canadienne de génie civil, vol. 30, p.145-155 (Numéro spécial consacré à Ingénierie des glaces fluviales).
  • CHOI, O. et A. FISHER. 2003 The impacts of socio-economic development and climate change on severe weather catastrophe losses: mid-atlantic region (MAR) and the U.S. Climatic Change, vol. 58, p.149-170.
  • SWANSBURG, E. CHAPUT, G., MOORE, D., CASSIE, D. et N. EL JABI. 2002 Size variability of juvenile Altantic salmon: links to environmental conditions. Journal of Fish Biology, vol. 61, p. 661-683.
  • EMBERLIN, J., M. DETANDT et coll. 2002 Responses in the start of Betuala (birch) pollen season to recent changes in spring temperatures across Europe. Int J. Biolmeteorology, vol. 46, p. 159-170.
  • SCHNEIDER, S.H. et T.L. ROOT, 2002 Wildlife Response to Climate Change: North American Case Studies. Island Press, Washington, DC, ISBN 1-55963-925-3 (revue en Climate Policy avril 2003).
  • Climate change and the skiing industry in southern Ontario (Canada): exploring the importance of snowmaking as a technical adaptation. D. Scott, G. McBoyle and B. Mills. Climate Research Vol 23: 171-181 2003.
  • Understanding climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation in the United States: Building a capacity for assessment. E.Parson, R. Corell, E. Barron, V. Birkette et al. Climatic Change Vol 57: 9-42 2003.
  • Gérer les dangers et les risques d'inondation: Rapport d'un groupe d'experts indépendant. A Kumar, I. Burton, and D. Etkin. Bureau de la protection des infrastructures essentielles et de la protection civile. (rapport en ligne).

novembre 2002

  • Burton, I., Huq, S., Lim, B., Pilifosova, O. and E.L. Schipper, 2002 From impacts assessment to adaptation priorities: the shaping of adaptation policy. Climate Policy, Vol 2: 145-159.
  • Kidon, J., Fox, G., McKenney, D. and K. Rollins, 2002 An enterprise-level economic analysis of losses and financial assistance for eastern Ontario maple syrup producers from the 1998 ice storm. Forest Policy and Economics, Vol 4: 201-211.
  • Lesieur, D., Gauthier, S. and Y. Bergeron, 2002 Fire frequency and vegetation dynamics for the south-central boreal forest of Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol 32: 1996-2009.
  • Tansey, J., Carmichael, J. VanWynsberghe, R. and J. Robinson, 2002 The future is not what it used to be: participatory integrated assessment in the Georgia Basin. Global Environmental Change, Vol 12: 97-104.
  • Lise, W. and R.S.J. Tol, 2002 Impact of climate on tourist demand. Climatic Change, Vol 55: 429-449.
  • Meyer, W.B., 2002 Why indoor climates change: a case study. Climatic Change, Vol 55: 395-407.

septembre 2002

  • Smit, B. and M. W. Skinner, 2002 Adaptation options in agriculture to climate change: a typology. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Vol 7: 85-114.
  • Hersh, R. and K. Wenstelt, 2002 Gauging the vulnerability of local water systems to extreme events. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol 45: 341-361.
  • Shackley, S. and R. Deanwood, 2002 Stakeholder perceptions of climate change impacts at the regional scale: implications for the effectiveness of regional and local responses. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol 45: 381-402.
  • Trosper, R. L., 2002 Northwest coast indigenous institutions that supported reslience and sustainability. Ecological Economics, Vol 41: 329-344.

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