National Capital Commission

Criteria for Approval

When considering an application for approval, we look at the location and its significance in the Capital, and we take into account planning, design, environmental and heritage factors — all of which can be found in specific federal plans, policies and legislation, including the following:

  • Plan for Canada's Capital
  • National Interest Land Mass (NILM)
  • Master, sector and area plans
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA)
  • Treasury Board policy on heritage buildings
  • Relevant urban design guidelines

When approving plans and plan amendments, the disposal of NILM lands or the approval of designs for projects that are of major significance for the Capital region, the NCC will first seek advice from its Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty.

When to Apply for Approval

We recommend that you apply as early in the process as possible to ensure that approvals are coordinated with the project schedule. We will start our review once your application is complete. For projects delegated to NCC senior staff, approval takes approximately 25 working days. Major projects will necessarily take longer, as they need to be reviewed by the Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty and approved by the NCC's board of directors.

How to Apply for Approval

Download the application form below.  Send the completed form and attachments to:

Director, Design and Land Use
National Capital Commission
202–40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Canada  K1P 1C7

Fax: (613) 239-5393


There is a charge of $2,000 (plus GST) for reviewing applications for federal land use and land transaction approval.

Related Links

Modified: Wednesday March 22, 2006
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