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Fall 2005
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Viewpoint newsletter - Fall 2005 (Issue 03)


We began publishing Viewpoint with the express purpose of stimulating and enhancing discussion within the Canadian forest sector through the examination of compelling issues from the perspectives of various stakeholders.

Readers’ reactions so far indicate we’re doing that, though one reader did ask—innocently, we believe—if the views of the people we interview have to be the same as those of the Canadian Forest Service (CFS).

The answer to that is no.

CFS views are expressed through our Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister and other CFS staff quoted in the articles presented here. The views expressed by other interviewees are theirs, and are not necessarily shared by the CFS.

However, since they are coming from experienced, knowledgeable and credible forest stakeholders, they deserve to be considered, as we all contemplate ways to ensure a healthy forest and a strong forest sector.

End of the introduction

Focus On: Fibre For A Forest Fix
Picture of Brian EmmettIn recent months, there have been mill closures and layoffs in Canada’s forest industry, analysts have been quoted as saying more operations are "on the bubble" and could also close, and there are increasing calls for governments to take the lead in developing a national strategy (with industry) to mitigate the impacts of the current industry adjustment and secure the future of the forest industry.

A new Wildland — Fire Strategy for Canada
On October 4, 2005, federal, provincial and territorial forest ministers unveiled the Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy (CWFS) Declaration and committed to a shared vision and common set of principles for wildland fire management in Canada.

In Forestry Terms, Canada is a Superpower
"Canada may well be the smallest economy in the G8, but when it comes to forestry, we're a superpower." This comment by Brian Emmett, Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of Natural Resources Canada's Canadian Forest Service (CFS), underlines his optimism about a Statement of Cooperation signed in April 2005 by the CFS and Russia's Federal Forest Agency (FFA).

Using Fire To Forge International Collaboration
FIRE BEARForest fire research is an area in which the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) has been working cooperatively with other countries for some time.

30-Plus Years in the Bush: An Industrialist's View
Picture of Frank DottoriInterview with Frank Dottori, who will step down as founder and CEO of Tembec Inc. in January 2006

Some Progress, But A Distance Still To Go: Sierra Club
Picture of Elizabeth MayIt would be "an absolute sin" to lose the boreal forest for fibre when it could be profitably retained as a carbon reservoir, says Elizabeth May, Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada, who also has been recently named an Officer of the Order of Canada.

30-Plus Years In The Bush: An Environmentalist's view
Monte HummelInterview with Monte Hummel, President Emeritus of World Wildlife Fund (Canada) and co-founder of Pollution Probe


Editor in Chief: Bob Burt
Editorial Board: Jim Farrell, Sylvie Letellier, Gordon Miller, Geoff Munro
Production Manager: Sylvie Provenzano
Writer: Tom Douglas
Editorial Staff: Benoît Arsenault, Hélène Beauregard, Donna Colterman, David Tuck
Email: cfs.viewpoint@nrcan.gc.ca
URL: viewpoint.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca

Canada Post Mail Agreement #: 40062948
ISSN# 1712-266X
J. David Andrews photos from the collection “ The Forests of Canada” by Ken Farr (Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service/Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2003)


Last Updated: 2005-12-01


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