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Photo Gallery
Our Dynamic Earth

Courtesy of the Geological Survey of Canada

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No. kgs-2262Mount Logan, 5951 m., Yukon Territory.

No. kgs-2262
Mount Logan, 5951 m., Yukon Territory.

Photo by C.J. Yorath

No. 180345Steeply dipping axial plane cleavage. These folded sedimentary layers exposed near Sullivan River in southeastern British Columbia dramatically illustrate the awesome forces constantly at work reshaping the features of the earth. One of the Geological Survey of Canada's tasks is to examine, study, and report on the effects and the causes of such forces.

No. 180345
Steeply dipping axial plane cleavage. These folded sedimentary layers exposed near Sullivan River in southeastern British Columbia dramatically illustrate the awesome forces constantly at work reshaping the features of the earth. One of the Geological Survey of Canada's tasks is to examine, study, and report on the effects and the causes of such forces.

Photo taken by R.A. Price

No. 46600Badlands topography carved from flat-lying Upper Cretaceous strata; west of Little Sandhills Creek, Alberta.

No. 46600
Badlands topography carved from flat-lying Upper Cretaceous strata; west of Little Sandhills Creek, Alberta.

Photo taken by C.M. Sternberg

No.1994-731 PDeep sea vents: pipe organ vent, Juan de Fuca Ridge, black smoker.

No.1994-731 P
Deep sea vents: pipe organ vent, Juan de Fuca Ridge, black smoker.

Photo taken by I.R. Jonasson, 1992

No.120457Folded strata of the Humber Arm Group, Western Newfoundland. These Lower Ordovician rocks are exposed at Black Point, East Bay, 3.5 miles northeast of Port au Port. They are part of an extensive area of klippe ocks.

Folded strata of the Humber Arm Group, Western Newfoundland. These Lower Ordovician rocks are exposed at Black Point, East Bay, 3.5 miles northeast of Port au Port. They are part of an extensive area of klippe ocks.

Photo taken by L.M. Cumming, 1964

No. 1994-536 BFractures, quartz-filled.

No. 1994-536 B
Fractures, quartz-filled.

Photo taken by I. Ermanovics

No. 1996-081 AA beaver lodge style uranium mineralization. Kazan Falls, Northwest Territories.

No. 1996-081 A
A beaver lodge style uranium mineralization. Kazan Falls, Northwest Territories.

Photo taken by A. Miller

No. 1995-360Oblique aerial photograph of folded siliciclastic units in the hinge zone of the northwest-plunging Lake Harbour Group synclinorium, southern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. View is towards southwest. Width of the middle field of view is 2 km.

No. 1995-360
Oblique aerial photograph of folded siliciclastic units in the hinge zone of the northwest-plunging Lake Harbour Group synclinorium, southern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. View is towards southwest. Width of the middle field of view is 2 km.

Photo taken by Marc St.-Onge

2006-08-04Important notices