National Capital Commission

Terry Fox StatueTerry Fox died in 1981, just one month short of his 23rd birthday. Still a teenager when he lost a leg to cancer, Terry made a brave choice. He undertook a run — one-legged — across Canada in an effort to raise money for the fight against cancer. He called it the Marathon of Hope.

He ran for 143 days, through the Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario, before the bone cancer that had taken part of his right leg returned and forced him to stop near Thunder Bay. Terry Fox never completed his journey, but he did reach his goal of raising $1 for every Canadian to support cancer research. His legacy continues in more than 50 countries, and the annual Terry Fox Run has raised over $300 million for cancer research since 1980. Terry Fox is truly a Canadian hero.

Artist and Fabrication Date

John Hooper, 1983
Owner: City of Ottawa


90 Wellington Street, Ottawa (in front of the Capital Infocentre)
Across from the Parliament Buildings

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