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Logan Legacy Fund
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Logan Legacy Fund
Conservation Activities

The Extent of the Damage


Early photographs (many in albums), negatives and glass plate negatives dating from the late 1800s and early 1900s resulted from the field w ork of Geological Survey of Canada geologists. In most instances, there are no negatives for the photographs bound in albums.

Many of the albums have deteriorated, as seen with the "New Brunswick Album", photographer and dates unknown.

The album "Views from the North Fork Valley of the Wapta, British Columbia, 1897" contains photos taken by George Dawson, GSC's third director and one of Canada's most respected explorer-geologists, There are no known negatives. The album is of particular importance because it is signed by Dawson, so there is a need to conserve not only the photographs but the album itself.

The album from 1915-16 contains negatives of photographs by Charles Camsell, Donaldson Dowling and other important Canadian geologists. The negatives are stuck to the sleeves and have been damaged due to the acidic content of the storage envelopes.

The glass negative of the Madoc Meteorite by R.A. Johnston, 1915, has cracked.

Damage - 1aDamage - 1b

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Maps and Journals

More than 600 journals and accounts of early explorations provide some of the first observations on the geology of Canada.

Captain John Franklin's "Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Seas in the Years 1819-20-21-22, Volume II" has a damaged binding, and two of its maps are separated from the binding and are torn and brittle. Also shown is S.J. Dawson's 1859 "Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement and Between the Latter Place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan" and one of its maps.

Examples of the "Journals and Reports of Exploration" prepared by GSC officers are underlain by a copy of the "Map Of Part of British Columbia and the Northwest Territory from the Pacific Ocean to Fort Edmonton" prepared to illustrate George Dawson's report of 1879-80. The paper is very fragile and is already torn.

ESIC also has a Map Archives Collection that holds copies of all maps ever published by the GSC. Many of the early maps were fabric-backed but not deacidified leading to deterioration, or have not yet received any conservation treatment.

Damage - 2aDamage - 2b

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Rare Books

The Logan Collection contains more than 80 books and pamphlets, manuscripts and bound maps that belonged to Sir William Logan. These along with his collection of professional journals formed the initial library of the GSC.

Shown is a signed copy of "A Review of Mr. Lyell's Elements of Geology with Observations on the Progress of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth", 1839, which includes editorial corrections and an inscription from the author to Logan. (It is not clear whether the "author" is the author of the review or Lyell himself.) The only complete set of GSC's early "Separate Reports" publications series is also part of the rare book holdings. Published between 1846 and 1914, the series includes about 125 separate or bound volumes. Three are shown, dated 1858, 1907 and 1908. The collection also has special albums of original sketches by GSC geologists such as Lawrence M. Lambe's paleontological drawings, compiled in 1899. The original sketches are on the right and the lithographed prints used by the GSC in publications are on the left. The album is in an advanced state of deterioration, and the original sketches need careful cleaning. Some 200 monographs in the collection relate to the early development of the science of geology. Examples include: Richard Kirwan's "Geological Essays", published in London in 1799 which lacks a binding and has discoloured and brittle paper, and Logan's personal copy of Ami Boué's "Guide du géologue-voyageur" published in Paris in 1836, which has a damaged binding and discoloured pages.

Damage - 3aDamage - 3b

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Restoring the Ravages of Time

Conservation of books and other materials is an extremely time-intensive process carried out by highly skilled artisans. The conservator always preserves the historic elements of the original, such as annotations or dedications, and replicates the original look of the item.

Depending on a book's condition, conservation costs can range from $200 to $2,000.

Click on the thumbnail to view the full image (~ 40 K)
Restoration - 1 Before restoration "Chapman's Minerals and Geology of Canada" presented to Logan in 1864 by the author.
Restoration - 2 The deacidification process halts, but does not counteract, the devastating effects of acids in paper.
Restoration - 3 Removing the original spine.
Restoration - 4a
Restoration - 4b
Cleaning and removing old glue and replacing original endbands.
Restoration - 5 Removing the original end leaf.
Restoration - 6 Paring the leather for the spine to make it malleable.
Restoration - 7 The leather spine and marble paper on the new cover replicate those of the original.
Restoration - 8a
Restoration - 8b
The original label is removed from the old spine and glued on to the new spine.
The new cover shown next to the old with some of the specialized tools and materials used in the conservation process.

Conservation Activities - 1999

Barba, Alvaro Alonso, b. 1569

Metallurgie, ou l'art de tirer et de purfier les métaux, avec les dissertations les plus rares sur les mines & les opérations métalliques.
2 volumes
Paris: Pierre Alexandre LePrieur, 1751.
Unable to save spine and cover. Replaced spine with leather and covered with marbled paper.

Bertrand, E. (Elie), 1712-ca. 1790

Recueil de divers traités sur l'histoire naturelle de la terre et des fossiles.
Avignon: L. Chambeau, 1766.
Repaired binding; treated with leather dressing.

Beck, Lewis Caleb (1798-1853)

Natural history of New York.
4 volumes: Mineralogy; Geology; Agriculture
Albany, 1842.
Restored with half leather binding and marbled paper. End papers replaced.

De Kerguelen Trémarec

Relation d'un voyage dans la Mer du nord, aux côtes d'Irlande, du Groenland, de Ferro, de Schettland, des Orcades & de Norwége fait en 1767 & 1768.
Paris : L'Imprimerie de Prault, 1771.
Replaced full binding with new half leather binding and marbled sides.

Dobbs, Arthur, 1689-1765

Remarks upon Capt. Middleton's defence: wherein his conduct during his late voyage for discovering a passage from Hudson's Bay to the South Sea is impartially examin'd; his neglects and omissions in that affair fully prov'd; the falsities and evasions in his defence expos'd; the errors of his charts laid open, and his accounts of currents, streights, and rivers, confuted; whereby it will appear, with the highest probability, that there is such a passage as he went in search of; with an appendix of original papers and a map of the in-land and sea-coast of North-America, in and about Hudson's Bay.
London: A. Dobbs, 1744.
Rebound with half leather binding and marbled sides.

Ellis, Henry

A voyage to Hudson's Bay, by the Dobbs Galley and California in the years 1746 and 1747, for discovering a North West Passage; with an accurate survey of the coast, and a short natural history of the country; together with a fair view of the facts and arguments from which the future finding of such a passage is rendered probable.
London: H. Whitridge, 1748.
Rebound with half leather binding.

Haidinger, Wilhelm Karl Ritter von (1795-1871)

Naturwissenschaftliche abhandlungen, gesammelt und durch subscription herausgegeben von Wilhelm Haidinger.
Vienna, 1847 (vol.1), 1848(vol.2) (The 2 vols. bound as 1)
Rebound with half leather binding and marbled sides. End papers replaced.

Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854

System of mineralogy, comprehending oryctognosie, geognose, mineralogical chemistry, mineralogical geography and oconomical mineralogy.
3 volumes
Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1804.
Rebound and corners repaired.

De Koninck, Laurent Guillaume (1809-1887)

Description des animaux fossiles qui se trouvent dans le terrain carbonifere de Belgique
Liege, 1842-1844 (vol.1, texte), 1851 (vol.2, atlas)
Vol.2, the atlas, with plates A - H and I - LV, is missing.
Rebound in quarter leather binding and marbled sides. End papers replaced.

Lambe, Lawrence M.

[Geological Survey Dept. Palaeontological Branch. Original drawings]
632 drawings. 1885-1891.
Dismounted, washed and remounted on non-acidic stock.

Lhuyd, Edward, 1660-1709

Edwardi Jouidii apud Oxoniensis Cemeliarchae Ashmoleani Lithophylacii Britannici ichnographia, sive, Lapidum aliorumque fossilium britannicorum singulari figura insignium quotquot hactenus vel ipse invenit vel ab amicis accepit, distributio classica: scrinii sup lapidarii repertorium cum locis singulorum natalibus exhibens: additis rariorum aliquot figuris aere incisis, cum epistolis ad clarissimos viros de quibusdam circa marina fissilia & stirpes minerales praesertim notandis.
London: Ex Officina M.C., 1699.
Restored with quarter leather binding and marbled paper.

Murchison, Roderick Impey, Sir 1792-1871

Siluria: the history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains with a brief sketch of the distribution of gold over the earth.
London: J. Murray, 1854.
Repaired green cloth publisher's binding. Reinforced corners. Removed tape from entire cover. Replaced end papers with non acidic stock.

Phillips, John, 1800-1874

Manual of geology: practical and theoretical.
London : R. Griffin, 1855.
Repaired binding and applied leather dressing.

Sandberger, B.E.F.Guido von and Sandberger, Fridolin Carl Ludwig von (1821-1869; 1826-1898)

Die Versteinerungen des Rheinischen Schichtensystems in Nassau. Mit einer kurzgefassten Geognosie dieses Gebietes und mit steter Berucksichtigung analoger Schichten Lander.
Wiesbaden, 1850-1856, 2 vols. (text and atlas)
Rebound in half leather with marbled sides. End papers replaced.

Conservation Activities - 2000-2001

De la Rochefoucault Liancourt

Travels through the United States of North American, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797; with an authentic account of Lower Canada.
2 volumes
London: R. Phillips, 1799.
Restored binding.

Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, comte, 1729-1811

A voyage round the world performed by order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769; translated from the French by John Reinhold Forster.
London : Printed for J. Nourse, 1772.
Restored cover with half leather binding and marbled paper. Replaced end papers with acid-free stock.

Bourguet, Louis, 1678-1742

Traité des pétrifications.
Paris: Briasson, 1742.
Original binding repaired and treated with leather dressing.

Ozanam, Jacques, 1640-1717

Récréations mathématiques et physiques: qui contiennent plusieurs problèmes d'arithmétique, de géométrie, de musique, d'optique, de gnomonique, de cosmographie, de mécanique, de pyrotechnie & de physique: avec un traité des horloges élémentaires.
Vol. 1-2.
Nouvelle édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée
Paris : Chez C.-A. Jombert, 1750
Rebound with quarter leather binding and marbled paper. End papers replaced with acid free stock.

Costard, George, 1710-1782

A letter to Martin Folkes, esq., president of the Royal Society : concerning the rise and progress of astronomy amongst the antients.
London : Printed by Jacob Ilive for T. Osborne and J. Hildyard, 1746
Bound with the author's A further account of the rise and progress of astronomy amongst the antients in three letters to Martin Folkes. Oxford, 1748
Rebound with quarter leather binding and marbled paper. End papers replaced with acid-free stock.

Cellarius, Christoph, 1638-1707

Geographia antiqua : being a complete set of maps of ancient geography, beautifully engraved from Cellarius ; designed for the use of schools, and of gentlemen who make the antient writers their delight or study.
London : Printed for B. Law and F. and C. Rivington, 1821.
Rebound with quarter leather binding and marbled paper. One page repaired. End papers replaced with acid-free stock.

Parry, William Edward, Sir, 1790-1855

Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific : performed in the years 1819 -20, in His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, under the orders of William Edward Parry ; with an appendix containing the scientific and other observations. Supplement.
London : J. Murray, 1821
Rebound with cloth spine and marbled paper. End papers replaced with acid-free stock.

Whitehurst, John, 1713-1788

An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth.
3rd ed., rev. and corrected
London : Printed for W. Bent, 1792
Leather binding repaired at spine and corners. End papers replaced with acid-free stock.

Adams, George, 1750-1795

Geometrical and graphical essays : containing a description of the mathematical instruments used in geometry, civil and military surveying, levelling and perspective; with many new problems, illustrative of each branch.
London : printed for the author, by R. Hindmarsh ... and sold by the author, 1791
Rebound with half leather binding and marbled paper. End papers replaced with acid -free stock.

Ozanam, Jacques, 1640-1717

Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy .../ First composed by M. Ozanam ... lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, in a new edition, by the celebrated M. Montucla; and now translated into English, and improved with many additions and observations, by Charles Hutton.
London : G. Kearsley, 1803
Rebound with half leather binding and marbled paper. End papers replaced with acid-free stock.

The following rare books received conservation repair of archival quality. Most of the work consisted of restoring and/or replacing deteriorated spines, covers and sewing end papers. Materials original to the item were used whenever possible. They are housed at the Geological Survey of Canada (Calgary) Library and are accessible to GSC researches as well as researchers external the GSC. This conservation work extends the life of these books by hundreds of years.

Brandes, Karl Dr.

Sir John Franklin die Unternehmungen fur Seine Rettung und die NordwestlicheDurchfahrt.
Berlin : Verlag der Nicolai'schen Buchhandlung, 1854.

Lamark, J.B.

Système des animaux sans vertèbres.
Paris: Musée d'histoire naturelle, 1801.

Huish, Robert.

Voyage of Capt. Beechey. R.N. to the Pacific and Behring's (sic) Straits and the Travels of Capt. Black, R.N. to the Great Fish River and Arctic Seas.
London: W. Wright, 1836.

Scoresby, William (Junior).

Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale-Fishery Including Researches and Discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland Made in the Summer of 1822 in the Ship Baffin of Liverpool.
Édinburgh : Archibald Constable, 1823.

2006-04-18Important notices