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  Glossary of Knowledge Management Terms  
Source: Managing Knowledge at the Canadian Forest Service

This glossary defines a set of terms related to knowledge management. Although neither exhaustive nor definitive, the definitions are useful for developing a common understanding of the subject, an essential precursor to discussion. Each term is restricted to a single meaning relevant to knowledge management. Directions to related, sequential, or contrasting terms are also provided.

Note: The corresponding french term is provided in italics at the end of each definition.


Acquisition: accessing one or more remote sites and retrieving digital content; see also disseminationAcquisition


Add-ons: viewers, players, and other multimedia additions to Web client software. Extension


Agent: a system that searches for available information and filters incoming information based on specified characteristics; see also knowbot. Agent


AI: artificial intelligence. Intelligence artificielle


Algorithm: a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a specific task; see also model, computer program. Algorithme


Analog data: data that are represented by continuously variable physical quantities, such as electrical signal strength; see also digital data. Données analogiques


Artificial intelligence (AI): the use of computer algorithms, models, and systems to emulate human perception, cognition, and reasoning; see also competitive intelligence, expert system, intelligence. Intelligence artificielle


Asynchronous: the transmission and receipt of a message do not occur simultaneously; thus this does not require a dedicated link between two points; see also synchronous. Asynchrone


Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): technology that divides digital streams into packets of 48 bytes with 5 associated control bytes, moves each packet through the Internet towards its final destination, and reassembles the original digital stream. Mode de tranfert asynchrone


ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode.


Audio data: data that can be interpreted by audio processors to yield spoken language, music, or meaningful sounds; see also graphic data, numeric data, text data. Données sonores


Autonomous database: a database comprising data sets that are independently controlled and managed; see also distributed database. Base de données autonome


b: bit. 


B: byte.


Backbone: the primary national transmission system; see also CANARIE, trunk line. Dorsale


Bandwidth: the amount of information that can be moved through a circuit in one second; see also baud. Bande passante


Baud: a unit of measure for communication speed; equivalent to the number of bits transmitted per second. Baud


Binary number: a number that can only have values of 1 and 0 (on and off); see also digital data. Nombre binaire


bit: a single binary number with a value of 0 or 1. bit


Browse: a search for content on the Web; see also browser. Naviger


Browser: a popular term for client, a system that is designed to view and navigate hypertext; see also client. Navigateur


bps or b/s: bits per second. b/s


Bulletin board: an electronic public forum created with software that supports multiple simultaneous callers, where participants can post and comment on messages from other participants. Babillard


byte: a group of eight bits that can code 256 different characters. Octet


CANARIE: Canadian Network for the Advancement of Research, Industry and Education—the Canadian backbone. CANARIE


Chat: an online group discussion via simultaneous keyboard input; see also Internet Relay Chat. Conversation


Chief Information Officer: the senior executive responsible for information management and information technology at the corporate level. Agent d'information principal


Chief Knowledge Officer: the senior executive responsible for knowledge management and the knowledge infrastructure at the corporate level. Agent de gestion du savoir


Clickable map: see image map. Carte cliquable


Client: a system that allows users to access and browse the World Wide Web and display HTML pages. Client


Client server: the system software that links a client to the system. Serveur client


Communication: the electronic transmission of content from one point to another; see also Information Highway. Communications


Competitive intelligence: internal data, information, and knowledge about one organization acquired by another for competitive purposes; see also artificial intelligence, intelligence. Veille concurentielle


Computer program: precise, unambiguous, and detailed instructions on how to complete a task, written in a language that can be interpreted by a computer; see also algorithm, system. Programme informatique


Content: see knowledge content.Contenu


Content value: the economic or social utility of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Valeur du contenue


Cookie: a mechanism that enables a Web server to place a unique identifier file on a user’s PC to store user registration and preference information, but the user has no control over how this information is used. Mouchard électronique


Copyright: the right to copy; Canadian law grants copyright owners control over the use of their creations (or works prepared under their control) and an ability to benefit, economically and otherwise, from the exploitation of their works; see also intellectual property. Droit d'auteur


Cyberspace: the collective global entity comprising all networks, computers, and communications lines where existence is virtual, in the form of electronic bits; see also matrix. Cyberspace


Data: recorded, ordered symbols that carry information. Données


Data acquisition: accessing one or more general databases and transferring data into a problem-specific database; see also data extraction, download.  Aquisition des données


Database: a group of related data sets comprising data that is independent of applications, involves complex data relationships, and is protected by data security; see also data warehouse. Base de données


Database management: using systems to store and delete, organize, search, retrieve, and manage access to data in a database; see also information management, knowledge management. Gestion de base de données


Data element: one measurement or observation of one attribute of a data source; see also data record. Élèment de donnée


Data exploration: the preliminary search and analysis of a database to determine its potential information content. Exploration de données


Data extraction: extracting a subset of a large data file; see also data acquisition, download. Extraction de données


Data file: a group of related data records; see also data set. Fichier de données


Data mining: searching, accessing, extracting and manipulating data in databases. Exploration en profondeur de données


Data preservation: archiving data and metadata into redundant permanent storage, ensuring data integrity, and maintaining compatibility with evolving technology. Préservation de données


Data processing: using computer hardware and software to manipulate data and perform calculations. Traitement de données


Data record: group of related data elements; see also data file. Fiche


Data set: group of related data files; see also data base. Fichier de données


Data source: physical objects, states of nature, or processes that can be quantitatively measured or qualitatively described in the form of data; see also data element. Source de données


Data stream: ordered sequence of data as it is being electronically transmitted; see also digital stream. Train numérique


Data warehouse: interoperable group of databases, database management systems, and search engines that span multiple domains; see also horizontal integration. Dépôt de données


Deciphering: see decryption 



Decision-support system (DSS): a system that uses analytic tools and quantitative models to adapt information to specific decisions, produce reports, and answer queries; see also information system, management information system, executive information system, expert system, issue support. Système d'aide à la prise de décisions


Decryption: decoding a digital object into the source language with a key. Décryptage


Digital data: data that is represented by an ordered sequence of binary numbers; see also analog data. Données numériques


Digital library: a collection of a very large number of digital objects, comprising all types of material and media, that are stored in distributed information repositories and accessed through national computer networks; see also data warehouse. Bibliothèque numérique


Digital object: an ordered sequential set of bits, including a unique identifier and sufficient information to reconstitute the object; see also digital work. Objet numérique


Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data (DSVD): a technology that uses phone networks to significantly increase the speed of digital communication. Voix et donées simultanées numériques


Digital stream: an ordered sequence of bits as it is being transmitted; see also data stream. Train numérique


Digital work: a creative work comprising ordered symbols from a discrete set that are capable of collective interpretation or behavior when processed; see also digital object. Ouvrage numérique


Digitization: transforming data, information, knowledge, or physical objects from various media into digital objects. Numérisation


Distributed database: a database comprising data sets that are stored in separate locations but are accessible in a single search; see also autonomous database, data warehouse. Base de données répartie


Distribution: moving electronic signals from trunk lines to their final destination through a distribution network; see also dissemination, transmission. Distribution


Dissemination: distributing digital content from a site to clients and stakeholders; see also acquisition. Diffusion


Document: an HTML object that appears in the main window of a Web client; see also page. Document


Download: to electronically access content stored at a remote location and move it to a local site; see also data acquisition, retrieval. Téléchargement


Domain: the sphere of influence of an activity or process. Domaine


Domain Name System (DNS): a system for identifying and locating every site on the World Wide Web. Système de nommage de domaine Internet


Drill down: to access increasingly detailed data or information, starting from a high level of a hierarchical database or information base. Accés en mode descendant


DNS: Domain Name System. DNS


DSS: decision-support system. Système d'aide à la prise de décision


DSVD: Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data. DSVD


Editor: a program that assists in authoring HTML documents. Éditeur de texte


Education: gaining explicit knowledge through formal schooling; see also skill, experience. Éducation


Electronic mail (e-mail): electronic document transmitted in asynchronous mode to an electronic mailbox. Courrier électronique


Enciphering: see encryption Chiffrage


Encryption: encoding a digital object so that it cannot be read without a key; see also decryption, symmetrical encryption. Chiffrement


Executive Information System (EIS): an information system that provides corporate information, such as financial condition, market share, and organizational performance in graphic form, with drill-down capability for detail; see also decision-support system, expert system, management information system. Système d'information de haute gestion


Experience: gaining tacit knowledge by doing things and observing the consequences; see also education, skill. Expérience


Expert: a person with a high level of combined education, experience, and skill; see also wisdom. Expert


Expert system (ES): an information system that uses codified tacit knowledge in a knowledge base and an inference engine to solve problems that normally require significant human expertise; see also decision-support system, management information system. Système expert


Explicit knowledge: knowledge that has been formally expressed and transferred; see also tacit knowledge. Connaissances explicites


Firewall: a security system that protects internal areas of a computer network from external access. Pare-feu électronique


File Transfer Protocol (FTP): a communication standard for exchanging files through the Internet. Protocole de transfert de fichiers


Filter: a program that accepts or rejects incoming e-mail or other information based on specified sender names, sites, or subject. Filtre


Form: part of an HTML document that accepts input from users. It can be used for feedback, or ordering products and services. Formulaire


G: giga-; this prefix is often decimal, 1 billion (109), when referring to data transmission, and binary, 1 073 741 824 (230), when referring to data storage. G


Gateway: a server that links multiple networks and that translates different network communication protocols, enabling them to exchange messages. Passerelle


GB: gigabyte. Go


Geospatial data: spatial data that is registered to a specific point on the earth’s surface. Données géospatiales


Gigabyte (GB): 1024 megabytes. Giga-octet


Gopher: a communications protocol for finding and accessing text information through the Internet with a menu interface. Gopher


Graphical user interface (GUI): the use of graphical objects (icons) on a computer screen instead of characters on a keyboard to communicate with a computer, usually involving a mouse. Interface graphique


Graphic data: data that can be interpreted by graphic processors to yield visual images, animation, or video sequences; see also audio data, numeric data, text data. Données graphiques


GUI: graphical user interface. GUI


Home page: the designated primary entry point for a local Web site. Page d'acceil


Horizontal integration: processing content (data, information, knowledge) from multiple domains in an integrated system; see also knowledge infrastructure, vertical integration. Intégration horizontale


Hot spot: a hypertext region, within an HTML document that, when selected, links the user to the URL associated with the region.


HTML: HyperText Markup Language. HTML


HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol. HTTP


Hyperlink: a Web protocol that enables access and retrieval of HTML documents at any site by clicking on an active URL. Hyperlien


Hypermedia: a Web protocol that enables access and retrieval of sound, graphics, and video. Hypermédia


HyperText Markup Language (HTML): coding standard for creating documents that can be displayed by a Web browser. Langage hypertexte (HTML)


HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the primary communications standard used by the World Wide Web to access and transmit documents between sites. Protocole de transfert d'hypertexte


IM: information management. 


Image map: a graphic map with two or more embedded hyperlinks that are accessed by clicking a mouse when the pointer is positioned over a portion of the map; also known as a clickable map. Carte-image


Inference engine: rule-based algorithms that interact with a knowledge base to draw conclusions about a set of inputs; see also expert system. Moteur d'inférence


Information: data that has been interpreted, translated, or transformed to reveal the underlying meaning; see also data, knowledge. Information


Information appliance: an interface that enables users to send and receive digital objects ( e.g., data, text, voice, graphic, movies) via the Information Highway.Prêt à tout


Information asset: information viewed as property; a commodity or product with associated costs and value; see also knowledge asset. Actif informationnel


Information base: database containing information (e.g. reports, documents, interpreted data); see also information repository, knowledge base. Base d'information


Information Highway: the infrastructure that will enable cost-efficient digital transmission of and access to all forms of content and media through a single information appliance. Autoroute de l'information


Information management (IM): integrating information standards, processes, systems, and technology to enable the exchange of information among providers and users in order to support the management objectives of an organization; see also database management, knowledge management. Gestion de l'information


Information overload: excess information beyond that desired or needed by a user that requires nonproductive processing. Avalanche d'information


Information repository: an electronic database that contains documents or other digital objects; see also digital library. Dépôt d'information


Information retrieval: finding, accessing, and downloading digital information through networks. Extraction d'information


Information revolution: the global-scale transformation from an industrial society to an information society; see also knowledge revolution. Révolution de l'information


Information science: pure and applied science involving the collection, organization, and management of information; see also information theory. Science de l'information


Information society: a society in which people interact with technology as an important part of life and social organization to exchange information on a global scale; see also knowledge-based economy. Société de l'information


Information system (IS): a system that acquires digital content, increases the value of the digital content, and produces easily understandable reports; see also database management, decision-support system, executive information system, expert system, management information system. Système d'information


Information technology (IT): computer communications, networks, and information systems that enable exchanges of digital objects. Technologie de l'information


Information theory: a statistical theory that measures information content and the efficiency of human–machine communication processes. Théorie de l'information


Information worker: a person who uses information to accomplish work; see also knowledge worker. Professionnel du savoir


Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN): a technology that greatly increases digital data transmission speeds via phone networks by eliminating the need for analog to digital conversion; see also Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data. Réseau numérique à intégration de services


Intellectual property: refers to the intangible or intellectual nature of works or creations and the body of laws governing such property; there are six areas of intellectual property: patents, trademarks, industrial designs, confidential information, copyright, and integrated circuit topography protection. Propriété intellectuelle


Intelligence: an ability to learn and understand new knowledge or reason in new situations; see also artificial intelligence, competitive intelligence. Intelligence


Interface: an input and display system that enables a person to interact with a computer; see also information appliance. Interface


Internet: cooperative global connectivity among communication networks and communication protocols that allow the networks to exchange digital content; see also World Wide Web. Internet


Internet paging: a program that detects when selected individuals sign on and off the Internet and supports online one-on-one discussions or group conferences. Radiomessagerie Internet


Internet Relay Chat (IRC): a service that supports simultaneous keyboard input (discussion) among groups of people with similar interests. Conversation IRC


Internet service provider (ISP): a company that provides access to the Internet. Fourniseur Internet


Interoperability: the ability of multiple databases to share digital objects across domains; see also horizontal integration, metadata. Interoperabilité


Interoperability standards: common metadata, file organization, and data formats that enable interoperability. Normes d'interopérabilité


Intranet: Local Area Network (LAN) that uses Internet technology to exchange information. Intranet


IRC: Internet Relay Chat. IRC


IS: information system.


ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network. RNIS


ISP: Internet service provider.


Issue support: using systematic methods to analyze information involving primarily subjective reasoning, in relation to complex issues; see also decision-support system. soutien d'enjeux


IT: information technology. TI


k or K: kilo-; this prefix is often decimal, 1000 (103), when referring to data transmission, e.g. 56 kbps, and binary, 1024 (210), when referring to data storage, e.g. 50 KB k ou K


KB: kilobyte.Ko


kb: kilobit.Ko


kbs or kb/s: kilobits per second. kbit/s


Key: encryption or decryption algorithm; see also public key, private key. Clé


K-If: knowledge infrastructure.


K-It: knowledge initiative.


kilobit (kb): 1000 bits. kilobit


Kilobyte (KB): 1024 bytes. kilo-octet


KM: knowledge management.


Knowbot: a program that searches a network for information according to selected parameters; see also agent, robot, spider. Inforibot


Knowledge: information from multiple domains that has been synthesized, through inference or deduction, into meaning or understanding that was not previously known; see also information, wisdom. Svoir


Knowledge acquisition: eliciting and formally coding tacit knowledge into facts and rules and entering them in a knowledge base; see also expert system, knowledge representation. Acquisition du savoir


Knowledge asset: knowledge viewed as property; a commodity or product with associated costs and values; see also intellectual property. Actif cognitif


Knowledge base: a database containing tacit knowledge in the form of formally coded facts and if-then-else decision rules; see also database, information base. Base de connaissances


Knowledge-based economy: an economy in which value is added to products primarily by increasing embedded knowledge content and in which the content value evolves to exceed the material value; see also information society. Économie du savoir


Knowledge content: the meaning that underlies data, information, knowledge, or wisdom; see also knowledge processes. Contenu du savoir


Knowledge creation: use of reasoning to create new meaning or understanding; to know something that was not previously known; see also knowledge synthesis. Création du savoir


Knowledge exchange: the electronic transfer of digital data, information, or knowledge between two or more parties. Échange de connaissances


Knowledge infrastructure (K-If): an integrated architecture of computers, systems, networks, and communication technology that supports horizontally integrated and vertically integrated knowledge management. Infrastructure de gestion du savoir


Knowledge initiative (K-It): building knowledge management capacity in terms of resources, knowledge infrastructure, and content and developing an organizational context to implement that capacity through leadership, culture, and learning. Initiative de gestion du savoir


Knowledge integration: combining separate knowledge management programs into a more complete whole, coupled with adapting diverse groups into a coordinated knowledge-sharing culture. Intégration du savoir


Knowledge management (KM): promoting, coordinating, and facilitating knowledge synthesis, preservation, processes, production and exchange in order to support the strategic goals of the organization; see also database management, information management. Gestion du savoir


Knowledge object: a physical object used to support knowledge synthesis (e.g., a plant, insect, or rock collection). Objet de savoir


Knowledge preservation: implementing processes to capture, archive, and protect explicit and tacit knowledge and to maintain accessibility to it as technology evolves for as long as the knowledge remains useful. Préservation du savoir


Knowledge processes: organizational context, human activities, content value, information systems, and information technology that are used to add value to content by increasing the amount of underlying processing and depth and breadth of meaning. Processus cognitif


Knowledge product: knowledge that has been adapted to the needs of specific users. Produit cognitif


Knowledge production: acquiring content, transforming it into a higher order of meaning and value, and disseminating it as knowledge products; see also knowledge synthesis. Production de savoir


Knowledge representation: the framework and methods for coding tacit knowledge in a knowledge base; see also expert system, knowledge acquisition. Représentation du savoir


Knowledge revolution: the global-scale transformation from an economy based on the value of material goods to one based on the value of knowledge; see also information society, information revolution, knowledge-based economy. Révolution du savoir


Knowledge synthesis: using reasoning to integrate data and information from multiple domains to create a new meaning or understanding; see also knowledge creation, knowledge production. Synthèse du savoir


Knowledge worker: a person who creates information and knowledge; see also information worker. Professionel du savoir


LAN: Local Area Network. RL


Local Area Network (LAN): internal network within an organization; see also Intranet. Réseau local


Link: active Web reference to a document or another part of the same document; see also hyperlink. Lien


M: mega-; this prefix is often decimal, 1 million (106), when referring to data transmission, and binary, 1 048 576 (220), when referring to data storage. M


Management information system (MIS): a system that provides mid-level information, such as budgets, project reports, and resource status with statistical, graphic, query, and report generation capabilities; see also decision-support system, executive information system, expert system, information system. Système d'information de gestion


Matrix: the global set of all networks that can exchange e-mail either directly or through gateways; the Internet is a subset of the matrix. Matrice


MB: megabyte. Mo


Mb: megabit.


Mbps or Mb/s: megabits per second. Mbit/s


Meg: informal for megabyte. Meg


Megabyte (MB): 1024 kilobytes. Mega-octet


Metadata: data about data; a description of the attributes of a digital object that is sufficient to access and reconstitute the object but is independent of the object itself; see also interoperability, information repository. Métadonnées


Model: simplified mental, physical, or mathematical representation of reality that enables increased understanding of observed phenomena; see also algorithm, system. Modèle


Modem (modulator-demodulator): a device that converts a digital stream into an analog signal for transmission via telephone lines and reconverts an analog signal into a digital stream upon receipt, thereby allowing a computer to communicate with other computers over telephone lines. Modem


Multimedia: the capacity of a system and network to process and transmit text, data, sound, graphics, animation, etc. Multimédia


Navigation: using hyperlinks and URLs to move from one site to another through the Web to find and access documents; see also browsing, surfingNavigation


Network: communication connectivity among a group of nodes, sites, computers, workstations, people, organizations, etc. Réseau


Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP): a communications standard used for exchanging Usenet news. Protocole NNTP


News Alert: a system that tracks breaking news stories. Service de veille des informations


Newsgroup: a Usenet forum for distributed electronic discussion of a selected topic of mutual interest. Usenet functions throughout the matrix. Groupe de discusion


Numeric data: data that can be processed with quantitative algorithms to yield mathematical outputs; see also graphic data, text data. Données numériques


Organizational learning: increasing collective skills, experience, and knowledge so that an organization can function more effectively in a dynamic environment. Apprentisage organisationnel


Packet: a subset of a complete message with associated identification and routing information; see also Asynchronous Transfer ModePaquet


Page: individual HTML document that can be displayed by a Web browser. Page


Player: a system-specific software capable of presenting audio or video files that are accessed through the Web; see also multimedia, viewer. Lecteur multimédia


Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP): A communications convention that provides access to an Internet server via telephone line and modem; see also Serial Line Internet Protocol. Protocole pont à point


Private key: private component of an encryption–decryption key (e.g., two large prime numbers); see also public key. Clé privée


Protocol: a convention or standard governing the formatting of digital messages that permit communication among networks. Protocole


Public key: public component of an encryption–decryption key (e.g., the cross-product of two large prime numbers); see also private key. Clé publique


Query: requesting information from a database, using keywords or plain text; see also database management, information system. Requête


RAP: Repository Access Protocol. RAP


Real-time (adj): relating to a system in which the computer obtains data from a source, processes it, and applies the results to another process going on nearly simultaneously. Temps réel


Reasoning: the use of inference and deduction by people to create knowledge; see also knowledge synthesis. Raisonnement


Record (n): see data record.


Record (v): register permanently on a reproducible media; see also digitization. Consigner


Report generator: a system that generates responses to queries, provides automated status reports, or reports on the contents of a database; see also executive information system, information system, and management information system. Générateur de rapports


Repository: a server for storing, managing, and retrieving digital objects; see also digital library.


Repository Access Protocol: a communications convention that links client servers to information repositories; see also digital library. Protocole d'accès à un dépôt


Retrieval: to access electronic data or information stored in a database or repository and transfer it to another site; see also data acquisition, download.


Robot: a program that automatically searches the Web for URL addresses and creates HTML documents that list the results; see also knowbot, spider. Robot


Routing: selecting the best route from a source to a destination through a network; see also switching. Routage


Search engine: a program that searches a data warehouse, information repository, network, or digital library in response to a query; see also information system, database managment. Moteur de recherche


Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP): a communication protocol that provides access to an Internet server via a telephone line and modem; see also Point to Point Protocol. Protocole SLIP


Server: a computer that links to external communication networks and manages internal distribution networks. Serveur


Signal: a detectable physical quantity or impulse, such as voltage, current, or magnetic field strength, by which information is transmitted. Signal


Site: part of an organizational computer network that stores HTML documents and is accessible through the Web. Site


Skill: the combination of knowledge and physical ability to perform tasks; see also education, experience. Compétences


Spam: unsolicited, automated, mass-distributed e-mail; junk e-mail; an increasing nuisance to Internet users and service providers. Pourriel


Spatial data: data with a primary file structure of spatial coordinates intended to analyze and display spatial patterns; see also temporal data, thematic data. Données spatiales


Spatial navigation: navigating through virtual two- or three-dimensional space by clicking on images to indicate choices. Navigation spatiale


Spider: a program that automatically searches the Web for URL addresses and creates an HTML database of active hyperlinks; see also knowbot, robot. Inforobot


Surfing: using hyperlinks and URLs to scan the Web for potentially useful or interesting content; see also browsing, navigating. Navigation


Switching: connecting communication lines according to routing instructions to transmit information to a sequential destination in a network. Commutation


Symmetrical encryption: both the sender and recipient use identical software to encrypt and decrypt a message by means of a password. Chiffrement symétrique


Synchronous: the transmission and receipt of a message occur simultaneously; this requires a dedicated link between two points for the duration of the message; see also asynchronous. Synchrone


System: set of integrated components that function collectively to transform inputs into outputs to achieve a common goal; see also model, information system. Système


T: tera-; this prefix is often decimal, 1 trillion (1012), when referring to data transmission, and binary, 1 099 511 627 776 (240), when referring to data storage. 


Tacit knowledge: personal knowledge, gained through experience, that is influenced by beliefs, perspectives, and values; see also explicit knowledge. Connaissances tacites


TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP


Telnet: a means of remotely logging onto a host computer via telephone. Telnet


Temporal data: data with a primary file structure of temporal coordinates intended to analyze and display time series; see also thematic data, spatial data. Données temporelles


Text data: data that can be interpreted by word processors to yield written language; see also audio data, graphic data, numeric data. Données textuelles


Thematic data: data with a primary file structure of subject-matter classification intended to analyze and display processes; see also temporal data, spatial data. Données thématiques


Transmission: moving an electronic signal along trunk lines and the backbone between distribution networks; see also communication. Transmission


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/ IP): set of conventions for formatting messages that gateway servers use to connect to the Internet; see also Point to Point Protocol, Serial Line Internet ProtocolProtocole TCP/IP


Trunk line: primary line connecting distribution networks to the national backbone. Circuit principal


Uniform Resource Locator (URL): unique global address for every page on the Web. Localisateur de ressources uniformes


Usenet: a worldwide bulletin board system for sharing asynchronous text discussion among a group of sites; contains more than 15 000 newsgroups or forums. Usenet


Value: see content value. Valeur


Viewer: a program that can display graphics or video files accessed through the Web; see also player. Visualiseur


Vertical integration: processing domain-specific content from raw data through information to knowledge in an integrated system; see also horizontal integration, decision-support system. Intégration verticale


Virus: an algorithm, usually hidden in a benign-looking e-mail message or a computer file that, when activated or self-activated, causes inconvenience or serious damage to a computer system or network; many are self-replicating and self-transmitting from one machine to another. Virus


Virus protection: software that monitors incoming messages and files and searches existing files to detect viruses, monitors computers and networks for virus-like activity, notifies the operator, and removes the virus. Protection contre les virus


WAVE: high-speed Internet connectivity via cable network. Wave


Web: the short form of World Wide Web. Web


Web log analysis: systems that analyze the effectiveness of a Web site by tabulating and reporting on how the site is used. Analyse de journal web


Wisdom: correct application of knowledge. Sagesse


World Wide Web: a globally distributed hypermedia system that supports publication and global dissemination of multimedia digital works as well as global searching, accessing, retrieving, and displaying or playing published works; see also Internet. World Wibe Web



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Last updated: 2006-07-25 Top Important Notices