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Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective

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 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation > Canadian Perspective
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective

Human Health and Well-Being Table of Contents Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs Health Effects of Climate Change and Climate Variability Previous Work Introduction References Conclusion Adaptation

Citations in bold denote reports of research supported by the Government of Canada's Climate Change Action Fund.

  1. World Health Organization (2000): Climate change and human health: impact and adaptation; Document WHO/SDE/OEH/004, Geneva and Rome, 48 p.
  2. Canadian Institute for Health Information (2002): Health care in Canada 2002; available on-line.
  3. Pelletier, L., Buck, P., Zabchuk, P., Winchester, B. and Tam, T (1999): Influenza in Canada, 1998-1999 season; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report, v. 25, no. 22.
  4. Li, Y. (2000): The 1999-2000 influenza season: Canadian laboratory diagnoses and strain characterization; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report vol. 26, no. 22.
  5. Trudeau, R. (1997): Monthly and daily patterns of deaths; Statistics Canada Health Reports, vol. 9. no. 1; available on-line.
  6. Brooks, G.R. and Lawrence, D.E. (1998): Geomorphic effects and impacts from July 1996 severe flooding in the Saguenay area, Quebec; Natural Resources Canada; available on-line.
  7. Hartling L., Pickett, W. and Brison, R.J. (1999): The injury experience observed in two emergency departments in Kingston, Ontario during the 'Ice Storm 98'; Canadian Journal of Public Health, v. 90, no. 2, p. 95-98.
  8. International Red River Basin Task Force (2000): The next flood: getting prepared; International Joint Commission, Ottawa, final report of the International Red River Basin Task Force to the International Joint Commission, 62 p.; available on-line.
  9. Slinger, R. Werker, D., Robinson, H. and Bourdeau, R. (1999): Adverse health events associated with the 1998 ice storm: report of hospital surveillance of the eastern Ontario health unit region; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report, vol. 25, no. 17; available on-line.
  10. Haines, A., McMichael, A.J. and Epstein, P.R. (2000): Environment and health: 2. global climate change and health; Canadian Medical Association Journal, v. 163, no. 6, p. 729-734.
  11. Aron, J.L. and Patz, J.M., ed. (2001): Ecosystem Change and Public Health: a global Perspective; Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 480 p.
  12. Wilson, M.L. (2001): Ecology and infectious disease; in Ecosystem Change and Public Health: A Global Perspective, (ed.) J.L. Aron and J.A. Patz; Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, p. 283-324.
  13. Albritton, D.L. and Filho, L.G.M. (2001): Technical summary; in Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, (ed.) J.T. Houghton, Y. Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden, X. Dai, K. Maskell and C.A. Johnson; Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 21-84; also available on-line.
  14. Canadian Institute for Climate Studies (2002): Canadian Climate Impacts Scenarios; available on-line.
  15. Natural Resources Canada (2000): Sensitivities to climate change in Canada; available on-line.
  16. McMichael, A., Githeko, A., Akhtar, R., Carcavallo, R., Gubler, D., Haines, A., Kovats, R.S., Martens, P., Patz, J. and Sasaki, A. (2001): Human health; in Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, (ed.) J.J. McCarthy, O.F. Canziani, N.A. Leary, D.J. Dokken and K.S. White; Contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 451-485; also available on-line.
  17. Duncan, K., Guidotti, T., Cheng, W., Naidoo, K., Gibson, G., Kalkstein, L., Sheridan, S., Waltner-Toews, D., MacEachern, S. and Last, J. (1997): Canada Country Study: impacts and adaptation - health sector; in Responding to Global Climate Change: National Sectoral Issue, (ed.) G. Koshida and W. Avis; Environment Canada, Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, v. VII, p. 501-620.
  18. Health Canada (2001): First Annual National Health and Climate Change Science and Policy Research Conference: how will climate change affect priorities for your health science and policy research? Health Canada, Climate Change and Health Office.
  19. Koshida, G. and Avis, W. (1998): Executive summary, Canada Country Study, Volume VII; in Responding to Global Climate Change: National Sectoral Issue, (ed.) G. Koshida and W. Avis; Environment Canada, Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation, v. VII, p. 501-620.
  20. Cohen, S. and Miller, K. (2001): North America; in Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, (ed.) J.J. McCarthy, O.F. Canziani, N.A. Leary, D.J. Dokken and K.S. White; contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 735-800; also available on-line.
  21. Klaver, J.D.A. (2002): Climate change and human health: a Canadian Prairie perspective; M.Sc. thesis, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 182 p.
  22. Klaver, J., Soskolne, C.L., Spady, D.W. and Smoyer-Tomic, K.E. (2001a): A feasibility assessment to study societal adaptation and human health impacts under various climate change scenarios anticipated in the Canadian Prairies; report on Prairie Roundtable Discussions prepared for the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative; available on-line.
  23. Klaver, J., Soskolne, C.L., Spady, D.W. and Smoyer-Tomic, K.E. (2001b): Climate change and human health: a review of the literature from a Canadian Prairie perspective; prepared for the Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative, 46 p.
  24. Chiotti, Q., Morton, I. and Maarouf, A. (2002): Toward an adaptation action plan: climate change and health in the Toronto-Niagara region; prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada, 138 p.
  25. Last, J.M. and Chiotti, Q.P. (2001): Climate change and health; Canadian Journal of Policy Research, v. 2, no. 4, p. 62-69.
  26. Davis, R.E., Knappenberger, P.C., Novicoff, W.M., and Michaels, P.J. (2002): Decadal changes in heat-related human mortality in the eastern United States; Climate Research, v. 22, p. 175-184.
  27. Sheridan, S.C., Kent, W.P. and Kalkstein, L.S. (2002): The development of the new Toronto heat-health alert system; Urban Heat Island Summit, May 1-4, 2002, Toronto, Ontario.
  28. Dhakhwa, G.B. and Campbell, C. L. (1998): Potential effects of differential day-night warming in global climate change on crop production; Climatic Change, v. 40, no. 3-4, p. 647-667.
  29. Epstein, P.R. (2000): Is global warming harmful to health? Scientific American, August 20, 2000.
  30. Thompson, W., Burns, D., and Mao, Y. (2001): Report A-124: Feasibility of identifying heat-related illness and deaths as a basis for effective climate change risk management and adaptation; Health Canada, 57 p.
  31. Cooper, J.K. (1997): Preventing heat injury: military versus civilian perspective; Military Medicine, v. 162, no. 1, p. 55-58.
  32. Northern Climate Exchange (2002): Yukon historical and projected temperature and precipitation trends; available on-line.
  33. Donaldson G.C. and Keatinge, W.R. (1997): Early increases in ischaemic heart disease mortality dissociated from and later changes associated with respiratory mortality after cold weather in south east England; Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, v. 51, no. 6, p. 643-648.
  34. McGregor, G.R. (2001): The meteorological sensitivity of ischaemic heart disease mortality events in Birmingham, UK; International Journal of Biometeorology, v. 45, no. 3, p.133-142.
  35. Goldberg, M.S., Burnett, R.T., Brook, J., Bailar, J.C., Valois, M.F. and Vincent, R. (2001): Associations between daily cause-specific mortality and concentrations of ground-level ozone in Montréal, Quebec; American Journal of Epidemiology, v. 154, no. 9, p. 817-826.
  36. Çakmak, S., Bartlett, S. and Samson, P. (2002): Environmental health indicators; Health Canada, Health Research Bulletin, Issue 4, p. 9-12.
  37. Health Canada (2001): Health and air quality health effects.
  38. Maarouf, A. and Chiotti, Q. (2001): An update on the threat of climate change to health in Canada; in Proceedings of Water, Climate and Health Symposium, October 25-27, 2001, Panama City, Panama (CATHALAC).
  39. Diaz, J., Garcia, R., Velazquez de Castro, F., Hernandez, E., Lopez, C. and Otero, A. (2002): Effects of extremely hot days on people older than 65 years in Seville (Spain) from 1986 to 1997; International Journal of Biometeorology, v. 46, no. 3, p. 145-149.
  40. Jessiman, B., Burnett, R. and de Civita, P. (2002): Sulphur in gasoline and other fuels: the case for action (and inaction); Health Canada, Health Policy Research Bulletin, Issue 4, p. 19-22.
  41. Blomqvist, A., Crabbé, P., Dranitsaris, G. and Lanoie, P. (2000): Climate Change and Health Economic Advisory Panel; final report on health impacts of the greenhouse gas mitigation measures submitted to Health Canada, 44 p.
  42. Cifuentes, L., Borja-Aburto, V.H., Gouveia, N., Thurston, G. and Davis, D.L. (2001): Assessing the health benefits of urban air pollution reductions associated with climate change mitigation (2000-2020): Santiago, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, and New York City; Environmental Health Perspectives, v. 109, suppl. 3, p. 419-425.
  43. Natural Resources Canada (2003): Forest fires; available on-line.
  44. Global Fire Monitoring Center (2002): Forest fires in Canada, 08 July 2002; available on-line.
  45. Emmanuel, S.C. (2000): Impact to lung health from forest fires: the Singapore experience; Respirology, v. 5, p. 175-182.
  46. Wolfe, S.A. (2001): Eolian activity; in A Synthesis of Geological Hazards in Canada, (ed.) G.R. Brooks; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 548, p. 231-240.
  47. Curriero F.C., Patz, J.A., Rose, J.B. and Lele, S. (2001): The association between extreme precipitation and waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1948-1994; American Journal of Public Health, v. 91, no. 8, p. 1194-1199.
  48. Krewski, D., Balbus, J., Butler-Jones, D., Haas, C., Isaac-Renton, J., Roberts, K. and Sinclair, M. (2002): The Walkerton Inquiry: Commissioned Paper 7, Managing health risks from drinking water; Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Queen's Printer for Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, 258 p.
  49. Chevalier, P., Pilote, R. and Leclerc, J.M. (2002): Public health risks arising from the presence of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and microcystins in three southwest Quebec watersheds flowing into the St. Lawrence River; Saint-Laurent Vision 2000 newsletter, 15 July 2002.
  50. City of Toronto (2001): Toronto beaches water quality reports; available on-line.
  51. Weise, A.M., Levasseur, M., Saucier, F.J., Senneville, S., Vézina, A., Bonneau, E., Sauvé, G. and Roy, S. (2001): The role of rainfall, river run-off and wind on toxic A. tamarense bloom dynamics in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (eastern Canada): analysis of historical data; report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada.
  52. Bentham, G. and Langford, I.H. (1995): Climate change and the incidence of food poisoning in England and Wales; International Journal of Biometeorology, v. 39, no. 2, p. 81-86.
  53. Morshed, M.G. (1999): Tick-borne diseases and laboratory diagnosis; Clinical Microbiology Proficiency Testing Connections, v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-4.
  54. Morshed, M.G., Scott, J.D., Banerjee, S.N., Fernando, K., Mann, R. and Isaac-Renton, J. (2000): First isolation of Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, from blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, collected at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report, v. 26, no. 6; available on-line.
  55. Drebot, M.A., Artsob, H. and Werker, D. (2000): Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in Canada, 1989-1999; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report, v. 26, no. 8; available on-line.
  56. Mills, J.N. and Childs, J.E. (1998): Ecologic studies of rodent reservoirs: their relevance for human health; Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 4, no. 4, p. 529-537.
  57. Calisher, C., Sweeney, W.P., Root, J.J. and Beaty, B.J. (1999): Navigational instinct: a reason not to livetrap deer mice in residences; Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 5, no. 1; available on-line.
  58. Jassoum, S.B., Fong, I.W., Hannach, B. and Kain, K.C. (2000): Transfusion-transmitted babesiosis in Ontario: first reported case in Canada; Health Canada, Canada Communicable Disease Report, v. 26, no. 2; available on-line.
  59. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2001): CDC Lyme Disease Home Page; available on-line.
  60. Martens, P. (1998a): Health and climate change: modelling the impacts of global warming and ozone depletion; Health and the Environment Series, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 176 p.
  61. Bradley, C.B., Zaki, M.H., Graham, D.G., Mayer, M., DiPalma, V., Campbell, S.R., Kennedy, S., Persi, M.A., Szlakowicz, A., Kurpiel, P., Keithly, J., Ennis, J., Smith, P. and Szlakowicz, O. (2000): Probable locally acquired mosquito-transmitted Plasmodium vivax infection, Suffolk County, New York, 1999; Centers for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, v. 49, no. 22, p. 495-498; also available on-line.
  62. Seys, S.A. and Bender, J.B. (2001): The changing epidemiology of malaria in Minnesota; Centers for Disease Control, Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 7, no. 6; available on-line.
  63. Moore C.G. and Mitchell, C.J. (1997): Aedes albopictus in the United States: ten-year presence and public health implications; Centers for Disease Control, Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 3, no. 3, p. 329-344.
  64. Ziska, L.H. and Caulfield, F.A. (2000): Rising CO2 and pollen production of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a known allergy-inducing species: implications for public health; Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, v. 27, no. 10, p. 893-898.
  65. Burch, M. and Levetin, E. (2002): Effects of meteorological conditions on spore plumes; International Journal of Biometeorology, v. 46, no. 3, p. 107-117.
  66. Dales, R.E.; Cakmak, S., Judek, S., Dann, T., Coates, F., Brook, J.R. and Burnett, R.T. (2003): The role of fungal spores in thunderstorm asthma; Chest, v. 123, p. 745-750.
  67. Martens, W.J.M. (1998b): Health impacts of climate change and ozone depletion: an ecoepidemiologic modeling approach; Environmental Health Perspectives, v. 106, suppl. 1, p. 241-251.
  68. Walter, S.D., King, W.D. and Marrett, L.D. (1999): Association of cutaneous malignant melanoma with intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation: results of a case-control study in Ontario, Canada; International Journal of Epidemiology, v. 28, no. 3, p. 418-427.
  69. Enright, W. (2001): Changing habits, changing climate: a foundation analysis; Canadian Institute of Child Health, Ottawa, Ontario, 116 p.
  70. Krug, E.G., Kresnow, M.J., Peddicord, J.P., Dahlberg, L.L., Powell, K.E., Crosby, A.E. and Annest, J.L. (1998): Suicide after natural disasters; New England Journal of Medicine, v. 338, no. 6, p. 373-378.
  71. Ouimet, M. and Blais, E. (2001): Rhythms of crimes: how weather and social factors affected the daily volume of crimes in greater Montréal from 1995 to 1998; report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada, 55 p.
  72. Anderson, C.A. (2001): Heat and violence; Current Directions in Psychological Science, v. 10, no. 1, p. 33-38.
  73. Lemieux, F. (2001): The impact of the ice storm crisis in Quebec in 1998 on criminality (in French); report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada, 36 p.
  74. Fenge, T. (2001): The Inuit and climate change; Isuma: Canadian Journal of Policy Research, Winter 2001 issue, p. 79-85.
  75. Furgal, C.M., Gosselin, P. and Martin, D. (2002): Climate change and health in Nunavik and Labrador: what we know from science and Inuit knowledge; report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada, 139 p.
  76. Nickels, S., Furgal, C., Castelden, J., Moss-Davies, P., Buell, M., Armstrong, B., Dillon, D. and Fongerm, R. (2002): Putting the human face on climate change through community workshops; in The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change, (ed.) I. Krupnik and D. Jolly; Arctic Research Consortium of the United States, Arctic Studies Centre, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., p. 300-344.
  77. Köck, G., Doblander, C., Wieser, W., Berger, B. and Bright, D. (2001): Fish from sensitive ecosystems as bioindicators of global climate change: metal accumulation and stress response in char from small lakes in the high Arctic; Zoology, v. 104, suppl. IV, p. 18.
  78. Horn, A., Stamper, K., Dahlberg, D., McCabe, J., Beller, M. and Middaugh. J.P. (2001): Botulism outbreak associated with eating fermented food, Alaska, 2001; Centers for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, v. 50, no. 32, p. 680-682; available on-line.
  79. Health Canada (2000): Health Canada decision- making framework for identifying, assessing, and managing health risks; Health Canada, 75 p.
  80. Marshall, E. (2000): Reinventing an ancient cure for malaria; Science, v. 290, p. 437-438.
  81. Taubes, G. (2000): Searching for a parasite's weak spot; Science, v. 290, p. 434-437.
  82. Estrada-Pena, A. (1998): Geostatistics and remote sensing as predictive tools of tick distribution: a cokriging system to estimate Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) habitat suitability in the United States and Canada from advanced very high resolution radiometer satellite imagery; Journal of Medical Entomology, v. 35, no. 6, p. 989-995.
  83. Beauchemin, G. (2002): Lessons learned - improving disaster management; in Proceedings from High Impact Weather Conference, Ottawa, Canada, April 11, 2002; Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, p. 14-18.
  84. Basrur, S., Jessup, P., Akbari, H. and Kalkstein, L. (2001): Development of model adaptation strategies to reduce health risks from summer heat in Toronto; report prepared for the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada.
  85. Daniels, T.J., Falco, R.C., Schwartz, I., Varde, S. and Robbins, R.G. (1997): Deer ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and the agents of Lyme disease and human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in a New York City park; Centers for Disease Control, Emerging Infectious Diseases, v. 3, no. 3, p. 353-355.
  86. Canadian Public Health Association (2001): Strategic plan on health and climate change: a framework for collaborative action; final report of the Roundtable on Health and Climate Change, Canadian Public Health Association, Ottawa, Ontario.

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