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GSC Guide to Authors
Types of references
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  1. Reference citations in the text
  2. References list
  3. Types of references

There are ten main types of references cited in GSC reports:

  1. a GSC Memoir, Bulletin, Economic Geology Report, Paper, Miscellaneous Report, or other government report

  2. an article in a journal, periodical, or series

  3. an article in Current Research

  4. a book, symposium volume, compendium volume (e.g. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology volume), Current Research volume, Geology of Canada volume, or chart

  5. an article in a book, symposium volume, compendium volume, (e.g. Geology of Canada volume)

  6. an abstract

  7. a thesis

  8. a map

  9. an Open File

Abbreviations and usage in References list

Names of journals, periodicals, and publishing agencies are written in full. The words 'Memoir', 'Bulletin', 'Economic Geology Report', 'Paper', etc. are not abbreviated. Terms such as 'volume', 'page', 'number', 'series', and 'part' are abbreviated, and 's' is not added to the plural of the abbreviations:

volume v. number/s no.
page/s p. series ser.
chapter/s chap. part/s pt.

References for publications in press

Only material that has been published or that is 'in press' should be cited in the References list. A paper is 'in press' when it has been accepted for publication by a journal after critical review, or, at the GSC, when it is received for editing. The term 'in press' should be used instead of a year of publication.

Aylsworth, J.M., Burgess, M.M., Desrochers,D.T., Duk-Rodkin, A., Robertson, T., and Traynor, J.A.

in press: Surficial geology, subsurface materials, and thaw sensitivity of sediments; in The Physical Environment of the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories: a Base Line for the Assessment of Environmental Change, (ed.) L.D. Dyke and G.R. Brooks; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 547.
Tulk, C.A., Ba, Y., Klug, D.D., McLaurin, G., andRipmeester, J.A.
in press: Evidence for phase separation during the crystallization of hyperquenched glassy clathrate hydrate-forming solutions; Journal of Chemical Physics.

When referencing an entire book, report, GSC Bulletin, Open File, etc., the total number of pages should be indicated, for instance '302 p.' For a section of pages within a larger work, use 'p. 32–90', and 'p. 31, 32'.

Only initials and surnames are to be used in citations and in the References list.

  1. A GSC Memoir, Bulletin, Economic Geology Report, Paper, Miscellaneous Report, or other government report

    The following information is required:

    • surnames and initials of all authors
    • year of publication
    • title, with the first letter of the first word and proper nouns capitalized
    • name of publishing organization
    • name and number of the report (Bulletin, Paper, etc.)
    • total number of pages if in book form, number of sheets if a poster, CD-ROM or diskette if in digital form

    The GSC uses a semicolon following the title of a reference:

    Eisbacher, G.H. and Clague, J.J.
    1984: Destructive mass movements in high mountains: hazard and management; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-16, 230 p.
    Gibson, D.W.
    1992: Stratigraphy, sedimentology, coal geology and depositional environments of the Lower Cretaceous Gething Formation, northeastern British Columbia and west-central Alberta; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 431, 127 p. (with contributions by J.H. Wall, J.A. Jeletzky, and D.J. McIntyre).
    Harris, D.C.
    1989: The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Hemlo gold deposit, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Economic Geology Report 38, 88 p.
    Higgins, M.W.
    1971: Cataclastic rocks; United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper 687, 97 p.
    Lambert, M.B.
    1988: Cameron River and Beaulieu River volcanic belts of the Archean Yellowknife Supergroup, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 382, 145 p.
    Morris, S.C. and Whittington, H.B.
    1985: Fossils of the Burgess Shale. A national treasure in Yoho National Park, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 43, 31 p.
    Taylor, F.C.
    1982: Reconnaissance geology of a part of the Canadian Shield, northern Quebec and Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 399, 32 p.
    Turner, R.J.W., Page, J., Klassen, M., Quo Vadis, H., and Jensen, A.
    2000: Vancouver rocks; Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 68, 1 sheet.

    Authors should use the same name and initials for all their work, otherwise their papers may appear to have been produced by different authors (cf. Hoffman, 1968 and 1973, below).
    Hoffman, P.F.
    1968: Stratigraphy of the lower Proterozoic (Aphebian), Great Slave Supergroup, East Arm of Great Slave Lake, District of Mackenzie; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 68-42, 93 p.

  2. An article in a journal, periodical, or series

    The following information is required:
    • surnames and initials of all authors
    • year of publication
    • title of the article as it appears in the journal, with the first letter of the first word and proper nouns capitalized
    • the full name of the journal, periodical, and/or series
    • volume number
    • part number (optional)
    • relevant page numbers

    van der Pluijm, B.A., Karlstrom, K.A., and Williams, P.F.
    1987: Fossil evidence for fault-derived stratigraphic repetition in the northeastern Newfoundland Appalachians; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 24, no. 12, p. 2337–2350.

    The publication series (Philosophical Transactions, Proceedings, Journal, etc.) produced by societies should follow the name of the society, for example 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London' is referred to as 'Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions':
    Hoffman, P.
    1973: Evolution of an early Proterozoic continental margin: the Coronation geosyncline and associated aulacogens of the northwestern Canadian Shield; Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions, ser. A, v. 273, p. 547–581.

    Similarly, to avoid confusion, 'Journal of the Geological Society' should be referred to as 'Geological Society of London, Journal':
    Searl, A.
    1991: Early Dinantian dolomites from East Fife: hydrothermal overprinting of early diagenetic fabrics?; Geological Society of London, Journal, v. 148, p. 737–747.

  3. An article in Current Research

    Through the years, the annual product showing the year's field research has changed in the way it is referenced. This should be taken into consideration when referencing what is commonly thought of as 'Current Research'. Previous to 1978 the reports were 'Report of Activities' and referenced like this:

    Davies, J.L., Topp, G.C., and Annan, A.P.
    1977: Measuring soil water content in situ using time-domain reflectometry techniques; in Report of Activities, Part B; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1B, p. 33–36.

    In 1978 the series became 'Current Research':

    Campbell, R.B. and Dodds, C.J.
    1978: Operation Saint Elias, Yukon Territory; in Current Research, Part A; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1A, p. 35–41.
    Currie, K.L.
    1991: A note on the stratigraphy and significance of the Martinon Formation, Saint John, New Brunswick; in Current Research, Part D; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 91-1D, p. 9–13.
    Hacquebard, P.A. and Avery, M.P.
    1983: Geological and geothermal effects on coal rank variation in the Carboniferous basin of New Brunswick; in Current Research, Part A; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-1A, p. 17–28.
    St-Onge, D.A. and Bruneau, H.C.
    1982: Dépôts meubles du secteur aval de la rivière Coppermine, Territoires du Nord-Ouest; in Recherches en cours, partie B; Commission géologique du Canada, étude 82-1B. 

    In 1994 the new series was adopted; the letters F and G are reserved for the 'Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies' and 'Radiocarbon Dates' volumes, respectively:

    Gordey, S.P. and Stevens, R.A.
    1994: Tectonic framework of the Teslin region, southern Yukon Territory; in Current Research 1994-A; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 11–18.
    Jackson, G.D. and Fahrig, W.F.
    1994: Ages of diabase dyke intrusions, Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, District of Franklin; in Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies, Report 8; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1994-G, p. 23–28.
    Journeay, J.M. and Mahoney, J.B.
    1994: Cayoosh Assemblage: regional correlations and implications for terrane linkages in the southern Coast Belt, British Columbia; in Current Research 1994-A; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 165–175.
    McNeely, R. and Atkinson, D.E.
    1996: Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Dates XXXII; in Current Research 1995-G; Geological Survey of Canada, 92 p.
    Sinclair, W.D., Hunt, P.A., and Birkett, T.C.
    1994: U-Pb zircon and monazite ages of the Grace Lake Granite, Blatchford Lake Intrusive Suite, Slave Province, Northwest Territories; in Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies: Report 8; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 1994-F, p. 15–20.

    In Current Research volumes, authors often cite other articles in the same volume, as research is often interconnected. In that case, the citation in the text should be (author, year of publication) not (author, this volume). In the reference list, the reference should be written as usual, but without the page numbers:

    Anderson, R.G. and Snyder, L.D.
    1998: Jurassic to Tertiary volcanic, sedimentary, and intrusive rocks in the Hallet Lake area, central British Columbia; in Current Research 1998-A; Geological Survey of Canada.

    Current Reseach has recently been released in digital format. Depending on the source used, the reference would look like

    Daughtry, K., Thompson, R.I., and Erdmer, P.
    2000: New field studies of the Chapperon Group, Vernon southwest map area, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-A5, 10 p. (online;
    for the online version and

    Daughtry, K., Thompson, R.I., and Erdmer, P.
    2000: New field studies of the Chapperon Group, Vernon southwest map area, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-A5, 10 p. (CD-ROM)
    for the CD-ROM version

    Similarly, Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies would be referenced as

    Praamsma, T., Wodica, N., and Easton, R.M.
    2000: Evidence for magmatism of Elzevirian age in the Sharbot Lake domain, Central metasedimentary belt, Grenville Province of Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-F6; Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies: Report 13, 8 p. (online;
    for the online version and

    Praamsma, T., Wodica, N., and Easton, R.M.
    2000: Evidence for magmatism of Elzevirian age in the Sharbot Lake domain, Central metasedimentary belt, Grenville Province of Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-F6; Radiogenic Age and Isotopic Studies: Report 13, 8 p. (CD-ROM)
    for the CD-ROM version.

    Both versions contain the same scientific material, however, it is good policy to state the appropriate source.

  4. A book, symposium volume, compendium volume (e.g. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology volume), Geology of Canada volume, or chart

    The following information is required:

    • surnames and initials of authors, compilers, or editors
    • year of publication
    • title of book as it appears on the title page, with first letter of first words and proper nouns capitalized
    • edition number, if given
    • name of publishing organization
    • city, and country of publication where required
    • name and number of the report (series), if required
    • total number of pages in the book

    Reineck, H.-E. and Singh, I.B.
    1975: Depositional Sedimentary Environments with Reference to Terrigenous Clastics; Springer- Verlag, New York, New York, 439 p. (corrected reprint of the first edition).

    For references with editor(s), compiler(s), or co-ordinator(s), the shortened form (ed.), (comp.), and (co-ord.) is used for both the singular and plural.

    All editors or compilers should be listed within a reference, even if there are many:
    Barnes, C.R. and Williams, S.H. (ed.)
    1991: Advances in Ordovician geology; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-9, 336 p.
    Escher, A. and Watt, W.S. (ed.)
    1976: Geology of Greenland; Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, Copenhagen, 603 p.
    Orchard, M.J. and McCracken, A.D. (ed.)
    1991: Ordovician to Triassic conodont paleontology of the Canadian Cordillera; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 417, 335 p.
    Stott, D.F. and Aitken, J.D. (ed.)
    1993: Sedimentary cover of the craton in Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, The Geology of Canada, no. 5, 826 p. (also Geological Society of America, v. D-1).
    Van Eysinga, F.W.B. (comp.)
    1975: Geological Time Table; Elsevier, Amsterdam (chart, third edition).

    Where no author is given for a publication, such as an entire GSC Current Research volume, the agency responsible for the work should be substituted:

    Geological Survey of Canada
    1991: Current Research, Part D; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 91-1D, 191 p.
    1994: Current Research 1994-A; Geological Survey of Canada, 243 p.

  5. An article in a book, symposium volume, compendium volume (e.g. Geology of Canada volume)

    The information required here is as for the previous category, with the surname(s) and initials of the author(s), the title of the article, and the relevant page numbers.

    An italicized 'in' is used following the title of the article; however, as shown in Ritchie (1989, below), 'also' is shown in italics. For all references using 'in', a semicolon follows the title of the article and a comma follows the name of the book, symposium volume, or Current Research volume.

    Note that the shortened form '(ed.)', (co-ord.), and '(comp.)' are placed before the name(s) of the editor(s) or compilers(s):

    Clark, J.C., Johnson, W.J., and Miller, W.A.
    1994: The application of high resolution shear wave seismic reflection surveying to hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations; in Proceedings, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP '94, Boston, Massachusetts, v. 1, p. 231–245.
    Dawes, P.R.
    1976: Precambrian to Tertiary of northern Greenland; in Geology of Greenland, (ed.) A. Escher and W.S. Watt; Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, p. 248–303.
    Helbig, K.
    1987: Shear waves - what they are and how they can be used; in Shear-wave Exploration, (ed.) S.H. Danbom and S.N. Domenico; Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Geophysical Development Series, v. 1, p. 19–36.
    Hunter, J.A., Pullan, S.E., Burns, R.A., Gagné, R.M., and Good, R.L.
    1989: Applications of a shallow seismic reflection method to groundwater and engineering studies; in Proceedings, Exploration '87, Third Decennial International Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration for Minerals and Groundwater, (ed.) G.D. Garland; Ontario Geological Survey, Special Volume 3, p. 704–715.
    Jamieson, R.A., Tallman, P.C., Plint, H.E., and Connors, K.A.
    1990: Regional geological setting of pre-Carboniferous mineral deposits in the western Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia; in Mineral Deposit Studies in Nova Scotia, Volume 1, (ed.) A.L. Sangster; Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 90-8, p. 77–99.
    Jol, H.M. and Roberts, M.C.
    1988: The seismic facies of a delta onlapping an offshore island: Fraser River Delta, British Columbia; in Sequences, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology: Surface and Subsurface, (ed.) D.P. James and D.A. Leckie; Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 15, p. 137–142.
    Mustard, P.S. and Rouse, G.E.
    1994: Stratigraphy and evolution of Tertiary Georgia Basin and subjacent Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, southwestern British Columbia and northwestern Washington State; in Geology and Geological Hazards of the Vancouver Region, Southwestern British Columbia, (ed.) J.W.H. Monger; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 481, p. 97–169.
    Ritchie, J.C.
    1989: History of the boreal forest in Canada; in Chapter 7 of Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, (ed.) R.J. Fulton; Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 1, p. 508-512 (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-1, p. 508–512).
    St-Onge, D.A. et Bruneau, H.C.
    1982: Dépôts meubles du secteur aval de la rivière Coppermine, Territoires du Nord-Ouest; in Recherches en cours, partie B; Commission géologique du Canada, étude 82-1B, p. 51 –55.
    Trettin, H.P.
    1991: Tectonic Framework; Chapter 4 in Geology of the Innuitian Orogen and Arctic Platform of Canada and Greenland, (ed.) H.P. Trettin; Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no. 3, p. 59–66; (also Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. E).

  6. An abstract

    For references that are abstracts only, '(abstract)' should follow the page numbers when the reference is not in a volume of abstracts:

    Gandhi, S.S. and Mortensen, J.K.
    1992: 1.87-1.86 Ga old felsic volcano-plutonic activity in southern Great Bear magmatic zone; N.W.T. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Abstracts, v. 17, p. A37.
    Gordon, T.M.
    1974: Algebraic methods in the study of natural mineral assemblages; Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 6, no. 7, p. 761–762.
    Kenyon, N.H.
    1968: Sand ribbons; Geological Society of London, Proceedings, no. 1650, p. 159 (abstract).
    Rogerson, R.J. and Bell, T.
    1968: The Late-Wisconsin maximum in the Nachvak Fiord area of northern Labrador; Abstracts, 15th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, p. 57–60.
    Wyatt, P.H., Thorleifson, L.H., and Kettles, I.M.
    1986: Provenance and geochronology of Quaternary glacial deposits in the central Hudson Bay Lowlands, northern Ontario; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, v. 11, p. 323.

  7. A thesis

    Theses (dissertations) are not published material, but are publicly available and therefore included in References lists. The university name, city, and province or state should be given for universities in Canada and the U.S.A. For other countries, the university name, city, and country should be given. The word 'unpublished' is unnecessary:

    Herd, R.K.
    1972: The petrology of the sapphirine-bearing and associated rocks of the Fiskenaesset complex, West Greenland; Ph.D. thesis, University of London, London, England, 2 v., 608 p.
    King, J.E.
    1981: Low-pressure regional metamorphism and progressive deformation in the eastern Point Lake area, Slave Province, N.W.T.; Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 187 p.

  8. A map

    When referencing maps, a scale must be included if available. No commas should appear in the numbers (e.g. 'scale 1:100 000'). For French references, an oblique is used instead of the colon (e.g. 'échelle de 1/100 000'):

    Geological Survey of Canada
    1993: Principal mineral areas of Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Map 900A (forty-third edition), scale 1:7 603 200.
    Park, A.F. and Ralser, S.
    in press: Geology, southwest part of Tavani map area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1816A, scale 1:100 000.
    Rickard, M.J.
    1991: Geology, Cowansville-Sutton-Mansonville, Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1750A, scale 1:50 000.

  9. An Open File

    References to Open File reports should indicate the number of pages of text, the number of maps, and the map scale, as appropriate:

    Shaw, J.
    1991: Quaternary sediments and seabed conditions offshore from La Scie, Newfoundland; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2385, 9 p., scale 1:25 000.
    Taylor, R.B. and Hodgson, D.
    1991: Coastal studies in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Brock, Devon, Prince Patrick, and the Polynia islands, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2380, 57 p.

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