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Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
.What's New
Quality System
.Quality Policy Manual
.Quality Assurance Instructions and checklists
.Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
.Editorial/Digital Design
.Quality Assurance Forms
.Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
.Editorial/Digital Design
.2005 Report (PDF)
.2005 Action Plan

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Publishing Services > Quality System
Quality System
Action Plan

Also available in PDF format: Action Plan [PDF, 28.1 kb, viewer]

Issues Outcomes Outputs Responsibility Due date Performance measure and results Status
An additional GSC scientific publication is needed to fill a gap between the open file series and Bulletin series (A-series). Section 14, fig. 62 and comments # 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 53, 72, 85 • Additional choice for scientists to publish their research in GSC publication series. • New / revamped pub series • Managing editor.
• Head of Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
By the next fiscal year 2006-2007 • Availability of new publication series
• Client Feedbacks
• Survey (2007)
New publication status: Report 75% completed.

Client suggestions: 3 (ref. Feed28-Feed29-Feed33)
Reduce the time it takes to publish.

Section 7.5 fig. 7. Section 11.3, fig. 37 to 40 Section 14 comments # 15, 26, 35, 45, 58
• Improved working processes.
• Improved publishing approval process.
• Improved records entries. (eradicate duplication of data entries between services)
• ESS Publication Process Integration (PPI)
• Quality Assurance Instructions (QAI) and control forms.
• ArcGIS-GEMS migration
• Publication series " Epubs
• Standing offers
• Short term HR staffing
• Translation developments
• Managing editor (PPI)
• Head of Scientific and Technical Publishing Services.
• Production coordinators
• Quality Management Representative
• Cartographic application specialists
• Section Heads
On-going actions • PPI functionality
• Client Feedbacks
• Management review report
• Survey (2007)
PPI: Implemented and used by three groups of ESS: (GSC Calgary, GSC Northern Canada and staff under the Geoscience for Ocean Management Program.) Client feedbacks: feedback received by designated officers. ISO Management review report: (2005-2006)
Many clients did not know who to contact in order to receive products/services or find the related information (products and services description).

Section 10.1, fig 21 to 24 Section 13.1, fig. 52 to 55 Section 14 comments # 2, 12, 57
• Higher percentage of clients able to identify the services contact and information needed in order for them to received products and services. • Web access, searching tools, clearinghouse GDR
• Availability of most recent information.
• In person contact
• Presentations to Science Divisions (Program and project leaders)
• Head of Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
• Section coordinators
By next client survey (May 2007) • Client feedback
• Client Satisfaction (Survey 2007)
Participation to Program Workshops, Publishing services Intranet information, Information provided to Ottawa and GSC regional offices on an on-going basis
Facilitate the use of Sector Project System (SPS) (internal clients)

Section 10.2 figure 28 Section 14 comments # 2, 12, 48, 49
• Increased client satisfaction.
• Facilitate service interaction
• Ensure the most recent information in SPS.
• Client information sessions
• In person contact
• Prepare outline for updated SPS+
• Head of Scientific and Technical Publishing Services managers
• Head of regional services
• Section heads
• Program Office
On-going actions • Client Feedbacks
• Client Satisfaction (Survey (2007)
Periodically follow-up with SPS responsible. Interim solution: Products and services' definitions (costs etc. ) available on intranet site. (completed)
There is a market interest to have more free digital publications (availability and accessibility). Section 14, Fig. 64,65, 66 and comments # 6, 16, 28 to 41, 61, 62, 68, 78, 83, 84, 86, 87, 89 • More clients use GEOPUB.
• Increased number and variety of free publication available on GEOPUB
• Better marketing of products
• Benchmark Client Satisfaction level
• Improved GEOPUB designs and search capability
• Survey and profile clients
• Marketing capacity
• Head, Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
• Bookstore council
On-going actions • GEOPUB's On-line statistics.
• Results of client Survey (April 2006?)
GEOPUB on-line statistics: completed

2005-12-08Important notices