National Capital Commission

In order to provide an accountability framework in support of the corporation’s commitment to the preservation, protection and sustainable use of its lands, the NCC has developed and operates within the context of an Environmental Action Plan. This plan is a proactive tool for the management of environmental risks and seeks to create focus, integration and consistency in the application of the NCC’s environmental commitments and obligations.

The NCC’s Environmental Action Plan is focused on 17 different Environmental Aspects representing areas of potential risk to the organization. They range in scope from the management of comprehensive corporate programs to the management of more localized activities. These aspects were identified through a Commission-wide consultation process in the spring of 2003 and were prioritized using an accepted methodology, which accounts for probability of occurrence, impact, etc. The Aspects appear here in order of priority:

  • Contaminated Sites Management
  • Water Quality
  • Fuel Storage Tank Management
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Species at Risk
  • Protected Areas and Habitats
  • Land-Use Management
  • Spill / Emergency Response
  • Wildlife
  • Soil
  • Vegetation
  • Hazardous Materials Management
  • Planning
  • Procurement (Contracts and Agreements)
  • Waste Management
  • Environmental Awareness / Education
  • Design

Specific Initiatives

  • Conservation Plan in Gatineau Park
  • Natural Resources Research Program
  • Water Quality
  • Contaminated Sites Management Program
  • Fuel Storage Tank Program
  • West Nile Virus
  • Dutch Elm Disease
  • Species at Risk
Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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