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Geographical Names of Canada
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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Mapping Services Branch > Geographical Names of Canada
Names of pan-Canadian significance

For most geographical names there is only one official form. However, certain geographical names require presentation in both official languages of Canada on federal maps.

Pan-Canadian names: About 80 large and well-known Canadian features and areas designated in Treasury Board Circular 1983-58 (e.g., Lake Winnipeg / Lac Winnipeg);

Abitibi, Lake / Lac Abitibi
Anticosti Island / Île d'Anticosti
Appalachian Mountains / Les Appalaches
Arctic Ocean / Océan Arctique
Athabasca, Lake / Lac Athabasca
Athabasca River / Rivière Athabasca
Atlantic Ocean / Océan Atlantique
Baffin Bay / Baie de Baffin
Baffin Island / Île de Baffin
Beaufort Sea / Mer de Beaufort
Belle Isle, Strait of / Détroit de Belle Isle
British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique
Cabot Strait / Détroit de Cabot
Cape Breton Island / Île du Cap-Breton
Chaleur Bay / Baie des Chaleurs
Champlain, Lake / Lac Champlain
Churchill River (Man.) / Rivière Churchill (Man.)
Churchill River (Nfld.) / Fleuve Churchill (T.-N.)
Coast Mountains / Chaîne Côtière
Columbia River / Fleuve Columbia
Davis Strait / Détroit de Davis
Ellesmere Island / Île d'Ellesmere
Erie, Lake / Lac Érié
Fraser River / Fleuve Fraser
Fundy, Bay of / Baie de Fundy
Georgian Bay / Baie Georgienne
Great Bear Lake / Grand lac de l'Ours
Great Slave Lake / Grand lac des Esclaves
Hudson Bay / Baie d'Hudson
Hudson Strait / Détroit d'Hudson
Huron, Lake / Lac Huron
James Bay / Baie James
Labrador Sea / Mer du Labrador
Laurentian Mountains / Les Laurentides
Mackenzie River / Fleuve Mackenzie
Manitoba, Lake / Lac Manitoba
Michigan, Lake / Lac Michigan (not actually in Canada)
Nelson River / Fleuve Nelson
New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
Newfoundland / Terre-Neuve
Niagara Falls / Chutes Niagara
Nipigon, Lake / Lac Nipigon
Nipissing, Lake / Lac Nipissing
North Saskatchewan River / Rivière Saskatchewan Nord
Northumberland Strait / Détroit de Northumberland
Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest
Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse
Ontario, Lake / Lac Ontario
Ottawa River / Rivière des Outaouais
Pacific Ocean / Océan Pacifique
Peace River / Rivière de la Paix
Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard
Quebec / Québec (province)
Queen Charlotte Islands / Îles de la Reine-Charlotte
Queen Elizabeth Islands / Îles de la Reine-Élisabeth
Rainy Lake / Lac à la Pluie
Rainy River / Rivière à la Pluie
Red River / Rivière Rouge
Restigouche River / Rivière Ristigouche
Rocky Mountains / Montagnes Rocheuses
Sable Island / Île de Sable
Saguenay River / Rivière Saguenay
St. Clair, Lake / Lac Sainte-Claire
Saint John River / Rivière Saint-Jean
St. Lawrence, Gulf of / Golfe du Saint-Laurent
St. Lawrence River / Fleuve Saint-Laurent
Saskatchewan River / Rivière Saskatchewan
South Saskatchewan River / Rivière Saskatchewan Sud
Superior, Lake / Lac Supérieur
Timiskaming, Lake / Lac Témiscamingue
Ungava Bay / Baie d'Ungava
Vancouver Island / Île de Vancouver
Winnipeg, Lake / Lac Winnipeg
Winnipegosis, Lake / Lac Winnipegosis
Winnipeg River / Rivière Winnipeg
Woods, Lake of the / Lac des Bois
Yukon River / Fleuve Yukon
Yukon Territory / Territoire du Yukon

As of 1 April 1999, the following names will not be used on federal maps of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. They will be retained on this list.

Franklin, District / District de Franklin
Keewatin, District of / District de Keewatin
Mackenzie, District of / District de Mackenzie

2005-10-05Important notices