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Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
Editorial/Digital Design
Current Research Instructions
.Figure preparation
.Preparation instructions

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Publishing Services > Editorial/Digital Design
Current Research Instructions
Detailed preparation instructions
Previous (Guidelines for figure preparation)Index (Current Research Instructions) 

See also: Guidelines for figure preparation.


All reports must include title, author's name, division name, and project number. If not at Ottawa headquarters, the city name should also be given. The full mailing addresses of authors from outside the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) must be given. Contracts, Natural Resources Canada Research Agreements, Mineral Development Agreements, and the Division monitoring such work must be identified.


The abstract is the author's responsibility. Authors must submit abstracts of no more than 150 words. Abstracts in Current Research are published in both official languages.

Authors who are able to submit an abstract in both official languages are requested to do so. The abstract should state the purpose, nature, and scope of the paper, but it is not necessary to repeat the title. Any significant results should be summarized.

Length of papers

Papers should not exceed 5000 words (this includes text, figure and table captions, and references which must also be double spaced). Manuscripts must be accompanied by a total word count. Reports exceeding this length will not be accepted for Current Research and will be returned to your Division Director.


Text should be submitted with a minimum of coding. Format should be simple. Do not format to look like final printed book. Please provide text double-spaced and be sure to identify all native file formats used for text and graphics.


Reference citations in the text must be indicated by author and year, and the reference section (double-spaced) must include authors, year of publication, titles, journal names (written in full), volume number, map scales, and page numbers. All entries in the reference section must be cited in the text.

References should be formatted with a hard return after authors, after the year, and after the citation, i.e.:

Bevier, M.L., White, C.E., and Barr, S.M.
U-Pb ages for the Brookville gneiss, southern New Brunswick; Journal of Geology, v. 98, p. 955-965.

Word Processing

All manuscripts must be computer word processed on an IBM-compatible system using WordPerfect. Authors are to ensure that only one copy of the final version of their manuscript is on the diskette and that the printed copy comes from this file. The file name of the manuscript is written on the paper copy. Any special characters should be highlighted to ensure their proper conversion. Tables should be created using the WordPerfect table format or Excel. Tables will not be rekeyed.

Manuscripts must be submitted as a double-spaced hard copy (abstract, all text, references, and figure captions must be double spaced) and with a diskette. French texts must be in WordPerfect. Authors must submit a word count with their manuscript.

Text should be submitted with a minimum of coding to reduce the amount of time required to clean up a text file before it can be brought into the publishing software. The word processor used in Scientific Publishing is WordPerfect 10.0 for Windows 2000.

Need for careful preparation

To expedite the publications process, there will be minimum editorial preparation of these reports. One page proof will be sent to the principal author for checking and proofreading. It is therefore essential that authors take great care in the preparation of a contribution in order that acceptable publication standards be maintained.

Previous (Guidelines for figure preparation)Index (Current Research Instructions) 

2005-11-21Important notices