National Capital Commission

HydrologyThe Park has over 50 lakes. Of these, Pink Lake is of particular interest. It is one of only 58 known meromictic lakes in North America.

As well as lakes, streams and rivers, the Park is home to several wetland areas that serve as habitats for a large number of waterfowl, plants, furred game, reptiles and fish. To survive in the wetlands, many species have had to adapt to ensure their survival; these adaptations limit their ability to multiply in other locations. For this reason, these environments have a large number of endangered plant and animal species.

The waters of the Park run mainly into the Gatineau River by way of the La Pêche River, spillway of La Pêche Lake, and by way of Meech Creek, spillway of Philippe, Harrington (Mousseau) and Meech lakes. Many streams also flow down the Eardley Escarpment and into the Ottawa River.

The Park waters are home to 40 species of fish. Among these, two are on the endangered species list in Quebec: the margined madtom and the brassy minnow. There are also many game fish in the Park, such as trout, yellow perch, pike and bass.

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