Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaEarth Sciences Sector 
GSC Guide to Authors

  1. Introduction
  2. Sentences
  3. Jargon and Contrived or Redundant Words
  4. Compounding of Words
  5. Numerical Expressions
  6. Parallel Structures
  7. Nouns
  8. Pronouns
  9. Verbs
  10. Adverbs
  11. Adjectives
  12. Conjunctions
  13. The Indefinite Articles 'a' and 'an'
  14. Prepositions
  15. Capitalization
  16. Italics
  17. Verbosity
  18. Selected Bibliography

Avoid verbosity, the use of two or more words where one will do. Verbosity leads to redundancy, two technical terms for which are pleonism and tautology.


This is the use of more words than are required to give the sense intended:

The shale is red.
not The shale is red in colour.

not Owing to the fact that

not At this point in time

not In the vicinity of or In close proximity to


Tautology is the repetition of an idea in different words:

free gifts
past history
future prospects
present time
Gondwanaland (Gondwana means 'land of the Gonds')
