National Capital Commission

Sector I: Programming and Communicating the Capital Region

(Public Activities and Events)
Canada is a young country, a place of many regions and diverse peoples. The mission of the NCC is to use the Capital to inspire Canadians with a sense of shared nationhood. Through programming in Canada’s Capital Region, through broadcasts and marketing efforts that reach out across the country and through visitor services delivered to hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, the NCC seeks to communicate Canada to Canadians and to inspire them with pride in the natural and cultural treasures that are safeguarded in this extraordinary place.


To increase awareness of the Capital region and the NCC through national marketing campaigns, communications (broadcasting) and cross-country activities and to present the Capital to visitors as a place to experience Canadian heritage, culture and achievements through varied services, events and programs.


Events and Public Programming
Canada Day, Sound and Light Show, Christmas Lights Across Canada, Winterlude, etc.

Interpretation Programs
Capital Infocentre, Confederation Boulevard, Mackenzie King Estate, etc.

Youth Programs
Educational tours, etc.

Marketing, broadcasting, event promotion

Provincial/territorial linkages, Capital website, Capital exchanges, guide books, etc.

External Relations
Public consultations, media relations, website, speakers’ bureau, etc.

Related Links

Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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