National Capital Commission - Canada

Want to see what’s in store for federal lands in the Capital region? Go right to the plans; but remember, plans have a pecking order at the NCC. Think of them as a pyramid of interlocking pieces with the most general, visionary plan sitting at the top of the heap and a series of ever more detailed plans below.

Planning Hierarchy Pyramid

The Planning Hierarchy

Level 1
Long-range visionary plans outline how federal lands in the Capital region will be used and developed over time.

Level 2
Detailed master plans shape the development of specific areas.

Level 3
Sector plans apply the policies to smaller geographic areas and spell out the fate of individual buildings and parks.

Pertaining to Gatineau Park: 

Pertaining to Capital urban lands:

Level 4
Area plans (and planning initiatives that will in time be developed as area plans) allow planners get down to nuts and bolts.

Pertaining to Canada's Capital core area:

Pertaining to Gatineau Park:

Modified: Monday February 6, 2006
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