National Capital Commission

The Canada's Capital Core Area Sector Plan, prepared from 2003 to mid-2005, represents the final stage of a three-phase planning process; the first two phases comprised the Vision for the Core Area of Canada's Capital Region (1998), and the Concept for the Core Area of Canada's Capital (2000).

The Plan is oriented to the future, having a horizon of the year 2025 in terms of the policies and initiatives it presents. The Plan recognizes that the core area will be a constantly evolving meeting place, shaped by years of events, studies, visions and plans. Over the next two decades, the west of the core, around LeBreton Flats, Victoria and Chaudières islands and Brewery Creek, will become a new centre of attraction and mixed-use development, while already popular character areas could see a range of improvements from better street lighting and pedestrian links to commemorations and public art.

The Plan also proposes to create a more connected and vibrant core for the Capital, making it a great place both to visit and celebrate Canada, and to work and live. The Public Programming and Activities Vision suggests ways of improving the experience of millions of visitors to the nation's Capital by focusing on events, interpretation, commemorations and visitor services.

The Core Area Sector Plan for Canada's Capital and Reflecting A Nation: Public Programming and Activities Vision were presented at public consultations in March 2005 and were subsequently revised to reflect a number of suggestions from the public. The NCC also worked closely with federal and municipal partners to complete the Plan and the Vision, which are the first comprehensive plans for the core area on both sides of the Ottawa River. The NCC will use this plan as a guide to support a range of planning, development and other initiatives that the NCC undertakes or influences. The implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Plan will take place over the coming years, through the use of a variety of tools and activities.

The following maps accompany the Plan:

Characters Areas
Character Areas (pdf – 755 Kb)
NCC/Federal Role and Involvement
NCC/Federal Role and Involvement (pdf – 684 Kb)
Current and Recommended Initiatives
Current and Recommended Initiatives (pdf – 657 Kb)
Federal Land Use
Federal Land Use (pdf – 1.4 Mb)

Related Links

Modified: Tuesday March 21, 2006
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