National Capital Commission

If you enter Gatineau Park through the village of Chelsea, you’ll find yourself almost immediately driving through an area that is exceptionally rich in recreational possibilities — everything from beaches and mountain trails to the restored heritage treasures of Mackenzie King Estate. This sector lies at the heart of the Gatineau Park experience. The Plan seeks to protect the cultural and natural integrity of this important sector and, at the same time, to serve the great number and diversity of visitors who come here to discover the Park.


In 2003, a minor amendment to the zoning plan of the approved Gatineau Park Parkway Sector Plan was made to extend the Intensive Use Zone into a small portion of the Park Discovery Zone in order to include the proposed alignment for the new access road to Mackenzie King Estate, as shown on the map below.

Schedule “B”

Gatineau Park - Schedule B

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Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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