The Technology Roadmap (TRM) for Intelligent Building Technologies was a collaborative $110,000 research project between industry and five federal Canadian government departments and agencies, managed by the Continental Automated Buildings Association. The project focused upon commercial, institutional and high-rise residential buildings, and culminated in a final report that provides an in-depth examination of intelligent buildings technologies.

"The CABA Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings is a well researched and written document that I promote as recommended reading for our people as well as architects, engineers and owners. It presents a solid portrait of the state of our industry and a clear vision of where we are headed." --Terry Hoffmann, Johnson Controls

"The roadmap is an excellent starting point for our large building automation industry to begin its re-invention and re-packaging and to get on with the task of helping create an even better roadmap. It is important to note that maps can only be made when we have been somewhere. I feel that there is a great potential for us as an industry to explore many new concepts and directions and work with CABA to help them grow their roadmaps. Efforts like this help our industry present a new unified image to the savvy building owners. Groups like CABA are working to quantify the significant industry changes." -- Ken Sinclair, Editor, AutomatedBuildings.Com

On December 3, 2002, CABA and the Government of Canada officially released the Technology Roadmap (TRM) for Intelligent Building Technologies. The TRM explores and explains the current status and imminent opportunities offered by the accelerating evolution and use of "Intelligent Buildings Technologies". The report's focus is on commercial, institutional and high rise residential buildings, both new projects and retrofits, within a five-year time horizon.

Final Report - English
Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings
Complete Final Report (66 pages)
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 2.8 MB

Rapport Final - Français
Carte routière technologique du bâtiments intelligent
Rapport final (66 pages)
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 2.8 MB

Best-Practices Guide for Evaluating Intelligent Buildings Technologies
This guide, authored by Kenneth P. Wacks, Ph.D., builds upon the Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Building Technology. This paper consists of criteria by which intelligent building technologies can be evaluated. The topics in this guide are important for various audiences, such as building owners and managers, intelligent building designers, installers.

Technology Roadmap Discussion Forum
Industry participants are actively invited to leave comments and questions about the Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings and the Best-Practices Guide for Evaluating Intelligent Buildings Technologies.

Press Release
CABA and Government of Canada announce completion of Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings Technologies (2 pages)
Adobe Acrobat PDF, 180 KB

TRM Presentation
Official Introduction of the Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Building Technologies at CABA's 2002 Intelligent & Integrated Buildings Conference by Sherif Barakat, Director General, Institute for Research in Contruction, National Research Council Canada

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