National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) A national laboratory of theU.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Innovation for Our Energy Future

About NREL

All about us: Contacts, organization, management, jobs, procurement, visitor information, and phone book.

NREL's Research & Technology Development

Explore our cutting-edge research & technology development and find out how to get involved.

Applying Technologies

We partner with international, environmental, and government agencies to apply renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. We help license and transfer technologies into the marketplace, and help clean energy entrepreneurs succeed.

Learning About Renewables & Energy Efficiency

All about renewable energy and energy efficiency, plus information for homeowners, businesses, students & teachers, electricity providers, and farmers.

Photo of crane lifting Northern Power Systems North Wind turbine blades.

NREL — Keeping Up with the Rapidly Growing Wind Industry

Wind energy — it's the fastest growing electricity-generating technology in the world. And thanks to the successful research and development partnerships between industry and DOE's Wind Program at NREL and Sandia National Laboratories, it's breaking U.S. records as well.  Full Story

Major R&D Areas

Photo of sunset.
Photo of wind turbines.
Photo of farmer inspecting corn crop.
Photo of geyser erupting.
Photo of a flame resulting from the combustion of hydrogen and methane.
Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
Photo of building framework.
Photo of alternatively fueled vehicle.
Advanced Vehicles & Fuels
Photo of transmission lines.
Electric Infrastructure Systems
Photo of staff analyzing data.
Energy Analysis
Photo of an ultrafast laser system used to analyze solar cell materials.
Basic Sciences

This Web Site is Powered by Renewable Energy

Midwest Research Institute Battelle
NREL is operated by Midwest Research Institute and Battelle


High School Teacher Recognized for Renewable Energy Curriculum

November 17, 2005

Agreement Establishes Energy-Efficient Home Collaboration

October 31, 2005

NREL to Receive R&D Awards at Annual Awards Ceremony

October 19, 2005



Clean Tech Investor Summit

February 1-2, 2006
Palm Springs, CA

Building Energy Conference

March 7-9, 2006
Boston, MA

More Events



Photo Library (PIX)

Renewable Resource Maps & Data

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