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New Release for October 24, 2006

OCETA is a private sector, not-for-profit Ontario Corporation with a mandate of providing business services to entrepreneurs, start-up companies and small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to assist the process of commercialization of new environmental technologies and to support sustainable economic development both domestically and internationally.

OCETA maintains its public-policy mandate through four business areas including:

• technology commercialization
• sustainable development and pollution prevention
• technology verification
• information services

OCETA is a catalyst for action on environmental issues such as climate change, energy efficiency, technology verification, greenhouse gas reduction, site remediation & brownfields redevelopment, solid waste exchange, sustainable development, and water/wastewater treatment.

View our Greenhouse Gas Emissions reduction brochures:

OCETA develops alliances between business corporations, industrial associations, universities, research centres, and governments accessing leading edge environmental technologies and expert advice on both a national and international platform.


OCETA Newsletter - Fall 2006

OCETA 2004-2005 Annual Report
OCETA 2004-2005 Annual Report

OCETA Business Services

View our SME Client Services brochure

OCETA Workshops



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