REN21 Flagship Products

Global Status Report 2012Renewables Global Status Report download here:

Renewable Interactive Map view and contribute here:

Global Futures Report 2013Renewables Global Futures Report download here:

Global Web PlatformREN21 + REN21'S Global Web Platform login here:

News from the REN21 Network

Event Calender

Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit
New York, USA, 22-24 April 2013 |Event details

Capitol Hill Policy Briefing
Washington, D.C., USA, 25 April 2013 |Event details

UNHQ Policy Briefing
New York, USA, 29 April 2013 |Event details

Featured Articles

Renewable Energy Policy Briefing on Capitol Hill
4 April 2013
U.S. Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ), the Worldwatch Institute, and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) invite you to attend a policy briefing on the status and future of renewable energy in the United States and around the world on Thursday, April 25, 10:30 in Washington D.C.. The event features insights from leading renewable energy experts as well as from two newly released REN21 publications. Space is limited. Please RSVP to confirm your attendance. | more information

Renewable Energy Policy and Market Development Worldwide / Joint Event in Vienna
4 March 2013
The event on 22 March 2013 is jointly organized by the Austrian Energy Agency, by REN21 and REEEP in order to strengthen the worldwide information process on renewable energy in a concerted and structured way. We will discuss the future developments of the global renewable energy market, specifically highlighting the situation in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the role of Open Data approach to strengthen sustainable energy for all. | more information
(picture: cadoc /


Japanese Translation of the 2012 Renewables Global Status Report available
28 February 2013
A translated version of the 2012 Renewables Global Status Report has been made available for interested Japanese readers. The translation has been kindly caried out by JREF and can be downloaded here.


ADIREC 2013 sees consensus on the doubling the share of renewable energy by 2030
17 January 2013
Held this year as a centerpiece of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, the Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference (ADIREC), hosted by the World Future Energy Summit from 15-17 January 2013, addressed the goal of advancing renewable energy making it the largest gathering on sustainability in the history of the Middle East.


Launch of the Renewables Global Futures Report

16 January 2013

REN21 has launched its new flagship publication, the REN21 Renewables Global Futures Report (GFR) at the Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference (ADIREC), produced by REN21 in co-operation with ISEP, the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies of Japan

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