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CANMET Energy Technology Center - Ottawa / Center de la Technologie de l'Energie de CANMET - Ottawa

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Message from the Director, CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa (CETC-Ottawa)

Director, CANMET Energy Technology Centre - Ottawa (CETC-Ottawa) As Director General of the CANMET Energy Technology Centre offices in Ottawa (CETC-Ottawa), I welcome you to our Web site. We are committed to working with Canadians and international partners to provide energy science and technology for economic, environmental, and social well-being. CETC - Ottawa develops and promotes the use of clean, energy-efficient technologies, as well as alternative and renewable energy. Within these goals, themes of sustainability and energy security are paramount.

Our organization consists of more than 200 highly regarded expert scientists, engineers and specialists. We have formed numerous successful partnerships with a variety of clients in industry, in all levels of government, academia, and in international organizations. It is through these partnerships that many small to medium sized Canadian businesses are able to conduct research and development, either at their sites or at our world-class facilities. Clients, including communities, have benefited from our expertise to improve their energy and environmental performance.

CETC-Ottawa programs span four strategic energy sub-sectors: sustainable buildings and communities, clean electric power generation, industry innovation, and hydrogen economy and transportation energy. Our areas of expertise include:

  • Distributed Energy Technologies and Community Energy Planning;
  • Building Energy Technologies;
  • Clean Fossil Fuel Technology and Clean Electric Power Generation;
  • Energy-Efficient Technologies for Industry;
  • High Temperature Process Technologies for Industry;
  • Catalytic and Membrane Process technologies for Industry;
  • Bio-energy Technologies for Industry;
  • Wind, Solar and Small Hydro Technologies;
  • Transportation Energy Technology;
  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies; and
  • CO2 Capture Technologies.

CETC-Ottawa has been instrumental in pioneering and fostering the development and successful implementation of numerous recognized projects such as fuel cell development at Ballard and Hydrogenics, community energy systems, including Oujé-Bougoumou, wind energy technology installations, R2000, C2000, eKOCOMFORT™, and Super E for buildings, supporting Toronto's Deep Lake Water Cooling project, and bio-energy processes for Biox and Iogen.

It is our belief that energy-efficiency and environmental stewardship are consistent with cost-effectiveness. Leadership in environmentally responsible technologies is not synonymous with loss of competitiveness.

We believe that clean energy technologies will play an increasing role in climate-change mitigation, assurance of energy supply and quality of life. Innovation will be the hallmark of the drive toward energy-efficiency, reduced emissions, and sustainability. CETC - Ottawa is currently working with clients to meet these goals.

John Marrone
Director, CETC- Ottawa

For further information please contact:

For general inquiries,

Roy Prokopuk
Senior Business Development, Marketing & Communications Officer
(613) 996-8693

For specific inquiries,

Mark Riley
S&T Director - Sustainable Buildings and Communities
(613) 996-8151

Bill Reynen
S&T Director - Clean Electric Power Generation
(613) 996-5759

Brian Farnand PhD
S&T Director - Industrial Innovation Group
(613) 996-7977

Nick Beck
S&T Director - Hydrogen Economy and Transportation Energy
(613) 996-6022

Michael Wiggin
S&T Director - Technology Planning and Integration
(613) 996-8870

Last reviewed: 2005-03-18
devon ottawa varennes
gold line
Last Updated: 2006-01-20