The Department

Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM)

The Office of the Fire Marshal's authority and responsibilities are contained in the Fire Safety Act for the provision of fire safety in buildings and for safe storage of flammable and combustible materials. The office advises various levels of government on fire-related matters, including fire protection. The office is also responsible for the safe installation and usage of fuel gases and electricity.

The Fire Marshal and his staff continue to try to overcome the disastrous results of human carelessness, neglect, and ignorance. The problem has not been overcome, however a groundwork has been established upon which to accomplish the goal of continually decreasing human suffering and property losses due to fire, propane, and electrical incidents. The Office of the Fire Marshal is not alone in this effort, and many partnerships have been formed to create a true safety model. The Office of the Fire Marshal remains committed to three major programs: Education, Enforcement, Engineering


To coordinate and facilitate the fire, fuels and electrical safety systems of Nova Scotia


The acceptance by all Nova Scotians, of their personal responsibility for preventing fire, fuels and electrical incidents.


OFM Annual Reports

Last Updated: 2005-Jun-21
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