National Capital Commission

One of the roles of the Greenbelt is to ensure that productive rural land uses are maintained in the urban area.


Some 5,000 hectares of land have been preserved as a reminder of our farming heritage and dependence on agriculture. This land is leased to over 60 farmers who produce a variety of agricultural products including fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products. While some of this produce is offered for sale directly to the public during the summer months, the most common crops you are likely to see are corn, soybeans and cereals. These “cash crops” are harvested for both on-farm and commercial use.


Over the years, some 3,000 hectares of new forests have been created in the Greenbelt, representing a 30-year commitment to converting marginal farmland into native mixed forests, including maples and oaks. Interested in seeing how forestry is managed in the Greenbelt? Visit the Forestry Trail at Pine Grove.

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Modified: Tuesday March 21, 2006
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