Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaGeomatics for sustainable development of natural resources 
Success Stories
National Road Network Essential Framework Data For Information Display

This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.

GSDNR provides the National Road Network (NRN) to Statistics Canada, Elections Canada and Canada Post as a key framework to provide a variety of information as well as a foundation to which geographic features can be linked and displayed. In the United States, ESRI is working on a case study with GSDNR that will have international implications. The use of a common NRN model will ensure uniformity and cost efficiency in producing, maintaining and sharing digital road data throughout Canada. Delivery of national framework datasets to meet such client/stakeholder requirements is an output of GSDNR.

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