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Benchmark / Methodology
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Many coverages standard to geological mapping were used for this benchmark.

Coverage # of
# of
# of
Geology 5956 1710 473 Polygon and Line
Streams 3097 0 59 Line
Lakes 309 267 20 Polygon and Line
Glaciers 316 225 0 Polygon and Line
Neatline 12 2 68 Polygon and Line
Contours 6343 0 73 Line
The processes tested

  • Test #1: IMPORT- converts the contours.e00 to a coverage
  • Test #2: DXFARC - converts the lakes.dxf and streams.dxf to coverages
  • Test #3: BUFFER - creates 100 metre stream buffers
  • Test #4: INTERSECT - intersects the stream buffers with the geology coverage
  • Test #5: DROPITEM - performs 52 dropitems from the geology coverage
  • Test #6: APPEND - appends the geology coverage with the stream buffers
  • Test #7: CLEAN - cleans the appended coverage
  • Test #8: PROJECT - projects the contours coverage from UTM into Transverse Mercator
  • Test #9: ArcPlot Drawing - draws all coverages in Arcplot
  • Test #10: ArcEdit Drawing - draws all coverages in ArcEdit
  • Test #11: EXPORT - converts the appended coverage to E00
  • Test #12: ARCDXF - converts the contours coverage to DXF format
  • Test #13: POSTSCRIPT - converts an ArcInfo Graphic file (.gra) to PostScript
The methodology

The process times were calculated using the [date -time] function to store the process start and end times. The times were converted to seconds and the process start time was subtracted from the process end time. The average time was stored in the time.dat file as well as the total time and the date the benchmark was run. Persons participating in the benchmark were asked to answer a number of questions in the data.dat file relating to the type of system that they performed the benchmark on.

Participants were encouraged to run this benchmark on ArcInfo servers only. Running the benchmark on xterminals will not yield true results of a computer processor. Participants were also encouraged to run this benchmark at a time when there are no others system processes running; thereby ensuring that other programs do not slow down the ArcInfo benchmark.

To download the benchmark files, please see the benchmark Download page.

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