National Capital Commission

No matter where you live, in Canada or elsewhere, there are things you expect from a capital. Our NCC planners have identified those things as Capital requirements:


You expect meaning. The Capital should tell Canadians about themselves and introduce Canada to people from abroad.


You want to be impressed. The Capital should inspire people with pride.


You enjoy parks and unspoiled shorelines. Canadians want their Capital to be a model of a healthy and sustainable environment.


You appreciate heritage. Historic buildings, parks and archeological treasures should be protected in a Capital.


You expect service. When visiting the Capital you should be able to find all the services you need and information you want about the Capital.

Safety, Comfort and Accessibility

You expect ease of mind. Federal lands and buildings should offer pleasing and secure surroundings and be universally accessible.

Transportation and Communication

You want to get around. The Capital should be linked by good connections, with everything from bus routes and bicycle paths to electronic networks.

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Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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