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Mineral Technology Publications



Image of publication coverCANMET-MMSL Annual Report 2004
The CANMET Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories conduct R&D on the economic, safe and environmentally responsible recovery of Canada's mineral resources. CANMET-MMSL provides technical leadership to assist in government policy and regulatory initiatives. It also works under contract with individual companies and organizes consortia with partners on topics of common interest.

The 2004 Annual Report highlights the work of the scientists and technical staff of CANMET-MMSL.

Image of publication coverCANMET-MTL Technical Review, 2003 and 2004
The CANMET-MTL Technical Review describes research activities of the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory during the 2003 and 2004 calendar years. It also provides an overview of CANMET-MTL's mandate to develop and deploy technologies that improve all aspects of producing and using materials derived from minerals and metals, including products and materials used by the transportation, energy, and construction sectors. Brief descriptions of research and technology transfer projects demonstrate how the achievements in these projects contribute to the fulfillment of NRCan's objectives to create higher-value and environmentally friendly uses of natural resources, assist Canada in addressing its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce environmental impacts, and enhance health and safety in Canada's natural resource sector. A summary of activities of the Non-Destructive Testing Certifying Agency is also included, as well as an overview of CANMET-MTL's Academic User Access Facility, an initiative allowing academics and students to access CANMET-MTL's pilot-scale research facilities.


BIOMINET Newsletter
BIOMINET is a network of companies, research organizations and associated agencies interested in applications of biological systems in all aspects of the recovery and processing of minerals and fossil fuel resources. The BIOMINET Newsletter covers news items about CANMET biotechnology work, contracts, meetings and other articles of interest.

To order copies contact:

David Koren
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street, Room 126
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 992-7286, Fax: (613) 996-9673

Image of publication coverMEND Newsletter
The Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND) Initiative was established in 1989 to initiate and coordinate Canadian research and development of new technologies to reduce the environmental impact and financial liabilities of acidic drainage from waste rock piles, tailings sites and mine openings. The newsletter is called The MEND Monitor and provides news about relevant R&D developments, studies and reports, as well as upcoming events.

To order copies of the newsletter or other MEND technical reports contact:

MEND Secretariat
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street, Room 328
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 995-4681, Fax: (613) 947-5284

NOAMI Newsletter
The National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI) is a cooperative Canadian program that is guided by an Advisory Committee consisting of the mining industry, federal/provincial/territorial governments, environmental non-government organizations, and First Nations. NOAMI was established in 2002 in response to the request of Canadian mines ministers that a multi-stakeholder advisory committee be set up to study various issues and initiatives concerning the development of partnerships in the implementation of remediation programs across Canada. The NOAMI Newsletter provides news about relevant developments, studies, reports, and other articles of interest.

To order copies, contact:

NOAMI Secretariat
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street, Room 328
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 995-4681, Fax: (613) 947-5284

NOAMI Brochure
The Best Practices in Community Involvement brochure of the National Orphaned/Abandoned Mines Initiative (NOAMI) has been published to provide a series of guiding principles intended to assist industry, governments and other interested parties in their development of policy, site management and administrative processes for community involvement prior to, during and after the remediation of problematic orphaned and abandoned mines.



Catalogue of Certified Reference Materials
This catalogue contains descriptions of approximately 100 materials such as compositionally characterized powdered Canadian ores, mineral processing products, and environmental, geochemical and radioactive materials. All materials listed are prepared and certified by CANMET’s Canadian Certified Reference Materials Project (CCRMP).

To obtain copies contact:

Sales Records Office
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 995-4738, Fax: (613) 943-0573



The CANMET Mineral Technology Branch publishes a wide range of technical reports. A few titles produced by the CANMET Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories (MMSL) are listed below. Unless indicated otherwise, orders or inquiries should be directed to:

Maxine Lewis
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
555 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 996-8627, Fax: (613) 947-0622

Image of publication coverCanadian Rockburst Research Program, Phase II
This report is a description of results of CANMET’s contribution to Phase II of the Canadian Rockburst Research Program. It provides: detailed discussion of hardware and software developments related to the CANMET seismic/microseismic systems; concepts and a glossary of terms used in mining-related seismic technology; and a microseismic event source location evaluation.

Catalogue No.: SP98-017E
Price: $35.00

Geotechnical Properties of Rock
One of a series of CANMET reports, this one documents a database of the physical properties of rock types found in Canada. The database includes intact and residual strengths as well as other geotechnical properties of the rocks listed.

Catalogue No.: SP95-1E
Price: $35.00

Pit Slope Manual
Although first compiled and issued in the 1970s, this manual, consisting of ten chapters and supported by six sets of computer programs, is still viewed as a landmark in the documentation of geomechanics related to open-pit operations. Over the years CANMET has updated some of the chapters and re-programmed the software to work on PCs.

Please inquire with CANMET-MMSL (tel. (613) 996-8627) for a listing of chapter and supplement titles, catalogue numbers and prices.

Please note that the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (MTL) also produces various technical reports. Orders for or inquiries about MTL’s products should be directed to:

Alexander (Sandy) Davidson
Business Development Manager
Minerals and Metals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
568 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0G1

Tel.: (613) 995-8814, Fax: (613) 992-8735

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    Last Updated: 2006-04-20
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