Compost Action Project
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Welcome to RCM
Resource Conservation Manitoba is a non-profit, non-governmental centre for environmental education and applied sustainability.
Households, workplaces, schools, and communities look to RCM for practical information on active transportation, composting, waste reduction and resource conservation. We work with partners and community networks to identify down-to-earth, everyday solutions to climate change, traffic congestion, overconsumption and waste. Further details about RCM's history and principles are available here.
RCM Speaks!
For RCM briefs and publications on transportation,
waste reduction, climate change, and energy efficiency
click here

Campus logo

Commuter Challenge
September 18 - 22, 2006
click here
Car Free Day - September 22, 2006 - click for details
"Green Commute" Guide
for workplace trip reduction planning - tools, templates and techniques to provide green commuting options in your organization.
click here
TDM icon

Green Commuting for the Individual click here
individual green commuting
Waste Reduction Week
October 16-22, 2006
click for details
WRW logo
MSTN logo
Promote eco-friendly travel at your high school.
MSTN site

Book a classroom presentation.
Environmental Speakers Bureau

© 2006 Resource Conservation Manitoba
site design - Kirby Design
10 steps to a
greener Winnipeg

RCM Municipal
Election Platform
October 4, 2006

RCM PDF Newsletters
C.S.I. Manitoba
Active & Green
Off on the Right Foot

Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance
RCM and TREE make the case for distance-based auto insurance rates
PUB submission
October 2006

Winnipeg Cycle Commuting Survey
International Walk to School Week
2006 Results
click here

The Urban
Pumpkin Diaries:
RCM's Big Adventure!

Commuter Challenge
2006 Results
click here

Stewardship Principles
RCM outlines criteria for Extended Producer Responsibility

Visit Ecoville
to find out how Manitobans are reducing waste

Active and Safe Routes to School
Green Commuting Overview
The Manitoba Student Transportation Network
Environmental Speakers Bureau

Donate to RCM

Donate Now Through!\

RCM is a member
Green Communities site