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Government of Nunavut
Department of Environment
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    Our Mission
Through avatimik kamattiarniq
(environmental stewardship), which
includes using Inuit
Qaujimajangit, research, planning,
monitoring, compliance and partnerships,
we will ensure a balanced approach is
taken in the way Nunavut’s environment
and resources are used.
The Department of Environment has the lead responsibility in the Government of Nunavut (GN)
for ensuring the protection, promotion and sustainable use of natural resources in Nunavut
by supporting the management of the environment, wildlife, fisheries and sealing, and parks.
The Department of Environment delivers a wide range of regulatory and program functions, and implements specific statutory and legal obligations of the GN, including a number of commitments under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA).


      Honorable Patterk Netser

(C) Copyright 2004 Department of Environment