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AISI Co-Hosts 'Steel Day' Event

The reception was held Wednesday in collaboration with the House and Senate Steel Caucuses and the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA).

  • September, 2013 - New Steel News

    In this issue, a preview of events for the fifth annual SteelDay on October 4, and an important milestone for sustainability from the Steel Recycling Institute....

  • AISI 2013 Public Policy Agenda

    Promoting a Pro-Manufacturing Agenda - Steel and other manufacturing industries are the backbone of our economy. A strong manufacturing sector creates significant benefits for society, including good-paying jobs, investment in research and development, critical materials for our national defense, and highvalue exports....

  • How Congress Can Support America's Manufacturing Renaissance

    AISI President and CEO Thomas J. Gibson, in an Op Ed published at, says the benefits of increased energy production within North America are expected to add 1.4 million jobs and create almost $803 billion in revenues by 2030....

  • Steel Caucus Hosts Capitol Hill Reception

    On September 12, Senate Steel Caucus Co-Chairs Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL), and Vice Chairs Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Pat Toomey (R-PA), hosted an informal meet-and-greet reception on Capitol Hill....

  • AISI Codes and Standards

    Building codes and standards are constantly under review, with new proposals for changes continually being developed by both the public and private sectors. ...

  • Maps of AISI Members for 2013

    AISI's members operate in a large number of states. To view yours, please select from the state names listed on the following page: (PDF format)...

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