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Satellite image of Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development
Slave Province Compilation
.Compilation and Synthesis
.Surficial Geology
.Bedrock Geology
.Mineral Deposits
.Digital Elevation Models
.Landsat Imagery
.The Slave Craton: Geological and Metallogenic Evolution
.GeoPub (GSC Publications)
.Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
.Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Slave Province Compilation
Slave Province Minerals & Geoscience
Landsat Imagery

Landsat Imagery


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The .avi animation of the Slave geological province consists of an EarthSat NaturalVue Global, natural colour, Landsat 7-derived Mosaic with a 150-meter resolution. The imagery was collected in 1999, 2000, 2001. The mosaic was created from NaturalVue 2000 with information derived from the NASA GeoCover Ortho 2000 program. The mosaics are band combination 7,4,2 and are excellent for geology, but results in vivid green vegetation, and purple cities and snow. Draped over this mosaic is the Hoffman and Hall (1993) geology on a shaded relief image of the Total Field Magnetics. The relief therefore corresponds to high and low magnetic signatures rather than topography. The many linear ridges are dyke swarms.

2006-05-16Important notices