Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaGeomatics for northern development 
Prospects North Conference

September 14-16, the CTI was at the Prospects North Conference in Yellowknife to present our products and to detail our activities related to the Canadian North.

Pierre-Yves Boisvert and Benoit Piché ready to welcome visitors at Prospects North 2004, in Yellowknife
Pierre-Yves Boisvert and Benoit Piché ready to welcome visitors.

Prospects North is a triennial conference dedicated to the North and its development. Participants are of all venues: from plumber to diamond cutter including all categories of enginneers and consultants. Our presence was noticed and we had the chance to present our products and activities to about fifty interested visitors.

There were 470 participants and 102 exibitors at the conference.
