Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaAeronautical Charting 
Aeronautical Charts
Visual Flight Rules Navigation Charts

The Visual Flight Rules Navigation Chart (VNC) is designed for visual navigation on short to extended cross-country flight of slow or medium air speed at low to medium altitudes throughout Canada. It also serves as a navigation tool in pilot and navigator training.

The VNC chart displays aeronautical information and sufficient topographic detail to facilitate air navigation through the use of a unique colour scheme, layer tints, and shaded relief.

There are 52 charts in the serie providing complete coverage of Canada. The charts are updated at regular intervals to keep pace with air information changes are printed on both sides, the North half on one side and the South on the other, accordion folded.

The information contained in the charts and publications are current only to the date of submission for printing. A NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) may amend or cancel the information on the aeronautical products, therefore the NOTAM must be consulted to ensure that current information is used for flight operations. Also, the amendments (addition/change/deletion) on the VFR charts are also listed in the Canada Flight Supplement, Section C - Planning until the affected VFR chart(s) is/are updated.

Information shown

Relief – Contours, spot elevations, hypsometric tints, shaded relief, Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF)

Culture – Roads, railroads, communities and places, prominent transmission lines. Political and other boundaries. Other cultural data are shown to shape and scale or symbolized depending on size.

Hydrography – Shorelines, lakes, rivers, streams, water falls, and other hydrographic features are shown in detail relative to chart scale.

Aeronautical – Depicted in 'air blue'. The information includes aerodromes either shown to scale or symbolized with accompanying aerodrome data. Radio aids to navigation by name, frequency, and identification. Air/ground communication stations. Obstructions and light beacons. Lines of equal magnetic variation. Low altitude airway structure. Controlled airspace. Special use airspace. Compass rose, bearings and radials. World Geographic reference system (GEOREF)

Design criteria – International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Canadian standard specifications and Canadian users' requirements

Scale – 1:500,000 or approximately 1 inch to 8 miles

Projection Lambert Conformal Conic, to 80° N, and
Polar Stereographic between 80° N and 90° N

Sample VNC Chart [JPEG, 171.0 kb, 1066 X 850, notice]
VFR Chart Index [JPEG, 176.4 kb, 990 X 792, notice]

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