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compiled by David Liverman, Martin Batterson and David Taylor

A geological disaster occurs when natural geological processes impact on our activities, either through loss of life, injury, or economic loss. The Survey has compiled a historical record of geological disasters from a wide range of sources over several years of research. In the course of archival research any natural hazard that might fall in the area of geological phenomena was noted. Purely weather-related phenomena mostly are excluded, but major storms that cause considerable damage and loss of life, especially amongst the fishing community probably are the most significant natural hazard in the Province. Many of the disasters noted, are intimately associated with severe weather. Hazards noted include earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches and flooding.

This record demonstrates that the province was affected by numerous geological disasters that inflicted a major economic and social cost. In Newfoundland and Labrador at least 160 people have been killed since 1783 in such incidents.
Others (earthquakes, sink holes etc.)
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