Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaGeological Survey of CanadaGeological Survey of Canada
Canadian Permafrost Monitoring Network Workshop, Ottawa, January 2000

The Geological Survey of Canada convened a National Permafrost/Glaciers/Ice Caps Monitoring Networks Workshop in Ottawa, January 28-29, 2000. The workshop was attended by some 50 participants, more than half of whom represented the permafrost community (government, academia and private sector). Sponsored by the federal Climate Change Action Fund to provide input to the development of Canada's Global Climate Observations System (GCOS) Plan for the Cryosphere, the workshop focussed on existing monitoirng activities and the requirements for coordinated national networks to observe the climate change signal, assess its regional variability, and evaluate its impacts in permafrost.

The entire workshop report is available as:

Burgess, M.M., Riseborough, D. W. and Smith, S.L. (eds.) (2001). Permafrost and Glaciers/Icecaps Monitoring Networks workshop - January 28-29, 2000. Report on the Permafrost Sessions. Geological survey of Canada Open File D4017, 1 CD-ROM.
