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Geoscape Canada
.Our dynamic coastline
.Sedimentary coast
.Coastal challenges
.Weird weathering
.Our rock foundation
.Rock types
.Nanaimo Group
.Legacy of the ice ages
.The big freeze
.The great flood
.Glacial landscape
.Sand & gravel deposits
.Tropical Nanaimo
.Earthquake country
.1946 vs. 2001
.When coal was king
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscape Canada > Nanaimo
Geoscape Nanaimo
Geoscience for central Vancouver Island communities
Credits & citation

Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 87 , 2005

Recommended citation

McColl, K. M., Turner, R.J.W., Franklin, R.G., Earle, S., Stokes, T., David Pawliuk, Houle, J., Guthrie, R., Fox, J., Clague, J.J.
2005:  Geoscape Nanaimo, geoscience for central Vancouver Island communities, Geological Survey of Canada Miscellaneous Report 87, one sheet.

Produced by

Maggie McColl, Robert Turner, Richard Franklin, Steven Earle, Tim Stokes (Terra Firma Geoscience Services or Geoscience Solutions Group), David Pawliuk, Jacques Houle, Rick Guthrie, Julian Fox, John Clague

Illustration and design of Geoscape Poster

Richard Franklin and Robert Turner

Central oblique aerial view map

Ryan Grant

Contributors and Reviewers

Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada:  Robert Turner, Richard Franklin, Chris Yorath, Robert Kung, Dave Mate, Jane Wynne

Malaspina University-College: Maggie McColl, Steven Earle, Owen Peer, Dan Stevens, Julian Fox, Tim Naegele

B. C. Ministry of Energy and Mines:  Jacques Houle, Dorthe Jakobsen, Nick Massey

B. C. Ministry of the Lands, Environment and Parks: Rick Guthrie

Simon Fraser University:  John Clague, Peter Mustard: Dr. Peter Mustard is an Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at Simon Fraser University. His research concerns sedimentary basins of the Canadian Cordilera, especially their importance in terms of the tectonic evolution of the Cordillera.  He has been actively conducting research concerning the Nanaimo Group for > 10 years and Counting.

Courtenay and District Museum and Palaeontology Centre: Pat Trask

Vancouver Island Paleontological Museum: Graham Beard, Tina Beard

Horne Lake Caves Provincial Park: Richard Varela

City of Nanaimo, Planning and Engineering Department: Per Kristensenm

Nanaimo Regional District: Pamela Shaw

Others: Tim Stokes, Dave Pawliuk (Consulting mineral exploration geologist who has worked off and on at northern and central Vancouver Island since 1989. Pawliuk has lived at Noose Bay since 1993), Paul Griffith, Gwyneth Cathyl-Bickford, Andrew Young

2006-06-28Important notices