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Geomatics for Northern Development
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ÿGeomatics for northern development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Geomatics for northern development
Geomatics for Northern Development

The Geomatics for Northern Development program is one of the Earth Science Sector's Priority Programs. The objective of the program is to provide geospatial data to support sustainable development and investment in Canada's North through the use of geospatial information.

Northern landscape and activities 7

The Earth Sciences Sector and its partners will provide consistent, reliable and distinct user-defined northern geomatics information. Working with the issue owners/stakeholders, the Sector and its partners will customize the Geomatics Canada outputs to identified requirements. This will help the northern communities to make informed decisions on social, economic and environmental development. Federal, territorial and First Nations/Aboriginal governments will increase the use of spatially related information needed to provide for investment and a certain quality of life. Geomatics Canada will ensure that it meets NRCan's survey system related obligations under various pieces of legislation that form the basis of the property rights systems. The northern geospatial information will be easily accessible to clients through Canadian Geoscience Date Infrastructure and other media.

Project Project Leader
Accessing the Canadian Spatial Reference System Pierre L. Sauvé
Digital Compilation of geographical names John Donner
Earth Observation Tools for Monitoring Human-Environment Interactions in the North Costas Armenakis
Geoid Improvement in the Mackenzie Valley
Doug Scott
Mackenzie Mapping Project
Doug Scott
Northern Cartographic Product John Donner
Topolan7 Activity in the North Yves Robitaille
Topographic Base Data Acquisition in Northern Canada Yves Robitaille
Vectorizing Topographic Data at the 1:50 000 Scale for the Canadian North
Mike Major
Wireless GPS Corrections
Doug Scott

Related northern activities in the GSDNR Program

Planimetric Correction of the National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) in the Northwest Territories
Mike Major
Planimetric Correction of the National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) in Nunavut
Mike Major
Planimetric Correction of the National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) in the Yukon
Mike Major

2006-09-06Important notices