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Latest Article Posted 9:18 PM EDT 25/10/06


Tories say it's time to let sleeping dogs lie

: Liberal MP Belinda Stronach is seen in this April, 2006, file photo. Dave Chan/The Globe and Mail

MacKay denies Commons dog slur despite reports from opposition MPs that they heard the quip regarding Belinda Stronach

Conjoined twins delivered in B.C.

Girls are joined at the head, which creates special challenges for the medical team

Aging choppers headed to Kandahar?

Five of the navy's geriatric Sea King helicopters trained last month with soldiers about to deploy to Afghanistan

Man tells border patrol “I'm here to seduce a teenager”

Washington man jailed for plan to have sex with Canadian teen


Q&A; Thursday

Lesson for Alta.?

Doug Saunders takes your questions

Margaret Wente

Live, Thursday

Magaret Wente

Globe columnist answers your questions


Thomson pulls trigger on sale of $5B division

Print-dominated sector no longer part of company's focus, chief executive says

FOMC keeps rates at 5.25%, markets rally

Fed says growth has slowed, but it sees economy expanding at a ‘moderate' pace going forward

U.S. slowdown to hit Ontario says Dodge

Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge says woes will be short-lived

Royalties: Dead but loaded

Kurt Cobain knocks Elvis from top of the charts for top-earning dead celebs


Help call took too long in death of Cinar co-founder: coroner

Quebec coroner says celebrated producer Micheline Charest suffered lack of oxygen, cardiac arrest after plastic surgery

Gomery disappointed by inaction on inquiry findings

Judge who oversaw sponsorship probe says recommendations seem to have ‘dropped into something of a black hole in Ottawa'

May be more victims in child porn case, police say

Suspect charged with nearly 300 sex assaults on young girls; investigators say at least one victim remains unidentified

Ignatieff vows to address gender issues

Women's group says proposal is just a rehash of failed strategies


Florida executes notorious serial killer

Danny Rolling executed by injection for butchering five college students in a ghastly string of slayings

Argentina out to arrest former Iranian president

Prosecutors ask judge to order arrests of Hashemi Rafsanjani and seven others for 1994 bombing of Jewish centre

N.J. court opens door to gay marriages

The court gave lawmakers 180 days to rewrite marriage laws to either include same-sex couples or create a new system of civil unions

Bush ‘not satisfied' with situation in Iraq

U.S. president says events of past month a ‘serious concern' but victory remains ‘critical'


Top researcher to head regenerative medicine centre

One of world's leading stem cell researchers is returning to Canada to head new Toronto facility

Humans are ‘bankrupting' the environment

World Wildlife Fund report says nations like Canada are leading the world to ruin


Lung scans may spot cancer sooner in smokers

New study suggests that screening smokers for lung cancer with computerized chest scans can save lives

Using too much gas? Try dropping a few

New study finds Americans burning way more gasoline than in 1960 as a result of expanding waistlines

Hip, knee replacements surged over last decade: report

Obesity and aging population linked to 87-per-cent increase in 10 years, CIHI report suggests

London surgeons get OK for face transplants

Ethics panel approves operation but candidates have yet to be selected


Baseball's (on-line) field of dreams

Forget YouTube — has 1.3 million paid subscribers, generates $200-million in revenue and is worth up to $5-billion

Microsoft plays Santa with Vista upgrade

Company promises low-cost or even free upgrades for operating system and Office 2007 to help boost Christmas sales

Mozilla releases Firefox 2.0

New version upgrades spam, phishing defences

Columns: They're off! The gnomes, that is

As on-line virtual worlds develop, the off-line world begins to take notice. Too bad.


Samsonov not happy after demotion

Veteran moves to fourth line in favour of rookie Latendresse

Leafs lick their wounds

Toronto is trying to quickly regroup prior to a rematch with Ottawa, reports TIM WHARNSBY

Eaves uncomfortable in spotlight

Unusual attention has been thrust on the Sens forward since Tuesday's rout in Toronto, reports DAVID NAYLOR

Pronger readies for ex-Oiler mates

Star blueliner faces Edmonton for the first time since heading to Anaheim tonight, writes JAMES CHRISTIE


Michael J. Fox fans assail Limbaugh for ‘Fox faked it' suggestion

Medical experts and fans of Fox outraged after right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh suggests the Family Ties star exaggerated symptoms of Parkinson's in political commercial

‘Corvette Crossing' brings Battle of the Atlantic to the stage in N.S.

New play sets the stage for a tense journey from Halifax to England and back during the Second World War

Baffling labels cut sales of European wines — even in Europe

European wine drinkers turn to American, South African and Australian wines with simple, easy-to-understand labels

Madonna blames media for adoption firestorm

Oprah audience members says pop star was surprised about furor over efforts to adopt 13-month-old Malawi boy


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