Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaEarth Sciences Sector 
GSC Guide to Authors
A general list of abbreviations

Although the plural of most abbreviations is formed by adding an s, in many cases the same abbreviation serves for both the singular and plural forms of a word. This list includes some acronyms, initialisms, and scientific terms. Approved SI symbols appear in their own section. Abbreviations of Latin terms used in paleontology are listed in the section entitled 'Paleontology'.



a year(s)
abbr. abbreviation;
abstr. abstract(s)
AD (anno Domini) in the year of our Lord; AD should always be placed before the numerals, e.g. AD 1066
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
AFM alkalis-iron-magnesium
a.m. (ante meridiem) before noon
approx. approximate, approximately
art. article
a.s.l. above sea level
assoc. associate, association
asst. assistant
ATV all-terrain vehicle
av. average


B.A. Bachelor of Arts
BC before Christ; BC should always be placed after the numerals, e.g. 500 BC
bldg. building
BP before present (specifically before 1950); BP should always be placed after the numerals, e.g. 11 000 BP
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science


C Celsius, carbon
ca. (circa) about (used for dates only, not for measurements)
CAI Colour Alteration Index
can./CDN Canada, Canadian
cap. capital letter (pl. caps.)
c.c. carbon copy
CC 200
CCC 300
CD-ROM compact disc-read-only memory
cf. (confer) compare
chap. chapter(s)
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
cm centimetre
cm3 cubic centimetre
c/o care of
col. column(s)
congl. conglomerate
cont. continued
cos cosine
crit. critical, criticized
crm certified reference material
cu. cubic, e.g. cu. yd.
c.v. (curriculum vitae) summary of a career r&ésum&é)


ddh diamond-drill hole
deg. degree(s)
del. delete
dept. department
dia. diameter
DNAG Decade of North American Geology
doz. dozen
Dr. Doctor, Drive
D.Sc. Doctor of Science


ed. editor(s), edited
e.g. (exempli gratia) for example
Eh standard oxidation-reduction potential
EM electromagnetic
et al. (et alii, et aliae) and others (in citation of references)
etc. (et cetera) and the rest, and so forth, and the remaining things
et seq. (et sequens) and the following
ext. extension, extinct, external


Fig./fig. figure(s)
f./F. fault/Fault
Fm Formation
ft. foot (feet)


g gram(s)
G giga, 109 the SI symbol for a billion
Ga thousand million (i.e. 109) years; Ga should always be placed after the numerals, e.g. 2.5 Ga
gal. gallon(s)
GB gigabyte(s)
geol. geology, geologist, geological
Gp Group
GSC Geological Survey of Canada
GSC loc. Geological Survey of Canada locality, e.g. GSC loc. C-25304


h hour(s)
ha hectare
hp horsepower
HREE heavy rare-earth element (pl. HREEs)
ht. height
Hwy Highway


I. Island(s), Isle(s)
ibid. (ibidem) in the same place (Note: do not use for references, except when pages, figures, tables, etc. have been cited above in a reference, and you wish to refer to the same page or figure.)
ICP-AES inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectrometry
ICP-MS inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
id. (idem) the same, as mentioned before
ID-TIMS isotope dilution – thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
i.e. (id est) that is (not followed by a comma)
in. inch (inches)
inst. institute(s), instant
int. international, interior
ISBN International Standard Book Number
ital. italic
itin. itinerary


Jr. junior


KB kilobyte(s)
k kilo, 103; the SI symbol for a thousand
ka thousands of years before the present
K-Ar potassium-argon
kbar kilobar
kPa kilopascal
KB kelly bushing
KE kinetic energy
km kilometre(s)
km/h kilometres per hour


L litre(s) (The symbol L for litre(s) is used to distinguish this symbol from the numeral 1.)
L. Lower
Lab. Labrador
LA-ICP-MS laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
lat. latitude
lb. pound(s)
l.c. lower case
LILE large-ion lithophile elements
loc. cit. (loco citato) in the place cited (requires a publication and page reference)
log logarithm
LOI loss on ignition
long. longitude
LREE light rare-earth element (pl. LREEs)
l.s. legal survey
lst limestone


MB megabyte(s)
m metre(s)
mo. month(s)
M mega, 106; the SI symbol for a million
Ma million years; Ma should always be placed after the numerals, e.g. 500 Ma. Note that the GSC uses the symbol Ma (millions of years ago or before present) to indicate an age or date, and also to indicate a time interval or age difference. The GSC does not use the abbreviation m.y.
M.A. Master of Arts
mag. magazine
max. maximum
Mb Member
memo memorandum
mer. meridian
Mes. Mesozoic
min minute(s)
misc. miscellaneous
mm millimetre
mol % molecular per cent
MORB mid-ocean-ridge basalt
m.p. melting point
Mr. Mister - title of a man
Ms. Miz - title of woman
m/s metres per second
M.Sc. Master of Science
MSWD mean square of weighted deviates
Mt. Mount (pl. Mts.)
Mtn. Mountain (pl. Mtns.)
mV millivolt
mW milliwatt
MW megawatt


n. note, noun
n.a. not applicable, not available
N. Amer. North America
NB (nota bene) note well
n.d. no date given, no data, not determined
no. number(s)
NTS National Topographic System


OD Ordnance datum
OGS Ontario Geological Survey
op. cit. (opere citato) in the work, article cited (no page reference). Use for general reference to articles by authors cited earlier in the same paragraph or page. Do not use (ibid.) as a substitute for (op. cit.)
org. organic, organization


p. page(s)
Pal. Paleozoic
paleont. paleontology
pen. peninsula
pers. comm. personal communication (give date)
PGE platinum-group element (pl. PGEs)
pH measure of hydrogen ion concentration; acidity or alkalinity
Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy
Pl. Plate(s)
pl. plural
p.m. (post meridiem) after noon
ppb parts per billion (i.e. 109)
ppm parts per million (i.e. 106)
P' Precambrian
pref. preface, preference
prep. preposition
Prof. Professor
proc. proceedings
Prov. Province
prov. provisional
PS (post scriptum) postscript (pl. PSs)
Pt. Point, Port
pt. part(s), point
pub. publication, publish, published


q.e. (quod est) which is
QED (quod erat demonstrandum) which was to be demonstrated
QFM quartz-feldspar-mafic
qtz quartz
qtze quartzite
quad. quadrant
q.v. (quod vide) which see; refers to singular


R. River
RAM random-access memory
Rb-Sr rubidium-strontium
R&D research and development
Re Reynolds number
re with regard to. This preposition is a contraction of the Latin in re, meaning "in the matter of".
rec. receipt, record
REE rare-earth element (pl. REEs)
ref. reference
rel. relative
repr. reprint
rept. report
res. research
rge. range
Rmax mean maximum reflectance
Ro reflectance in oil
ROM read-only memory, Royal Ontario Museum
rom. roman type
r.p.m. revolutions per minute (in scientific or technical work, rev/min is used)
RR railroad, rural route
Rwy. railway


s second(s)
s.a. (sine anno) without date
sb. substantive
s.c. small capitals (sc in proof correction)
sci. science, scientific
SD standard deviation
sec secant
sec. section(s)
SEM scanning electron microscope
sg specific gravity
sh shale
SHRIMP Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Micro Probe
SI Système international d'unités (International System of Units)
slts siltstone
SIMS secondary-ion mass spectrometry
sing. singular
s.l. (sensu lato) in the broad sense
sp. species, specimen(s) (pl. spp.)
sq. square, e.g. sq. in., sq. ft., sq. yd.
Sr. senior
ss sandstone
s.s. (sensu stricto) in the strict narrow sense
St. Street, Saint
Sg. Supergroup
suppl. supplement
syn. synonym, synonymous
syst. system


T temperature
t metric ton = tonne
TAI Thermal Alteration Index
tan tangent
TD total depth in a well
TIMS thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
tr. translation
twp., Twp. township, Township


u.c. upper case
U-Pb uranium-lead
U. Upper
U.S.A. United States of America
USGS United States Geological Survey
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
UV ultraviolet


v. volume(s)
var. variety
vb. verb
viz. (videlicet) namely, to wit, it is permitted to see
vol % volume per cent (used only in tables)
vs. versus (against)
v.v. vice versa


wt % weight per cent (used only in tables)


XRD X-ray diffraction
XRF X-ray fluorescence


yd. yard(s)
